SFTIAAB Chapter 40

The two of them arrived at the supermarket, attempting to find a cage for their new catch.

Unexpectedly, it was a bit difficult because no one in the entire building kept birds.

Moreover, the bird they caught was quite large, and even if they found an ordinary birdcage, it wouldn’t be able to contain it.

In the end, Lu Qiming brought a very large plastic storage box and used a small knife to cut many two-centimeter-wide slits on it, acting as a makeshift birdcage, and put the bird inside.

They caught the bird for the purpose of raising it, so the first thing to do after locking it up was to feed it.

Jiang Miaomiao brought over the remaining half bag of rice, and Lu Qiming used the knife to poke the bird’s head, making it regain consciousness. He then handed a small cup filled with rice in front of it.

The large black bird didn’t even look at the rice, instead, its round eyes darted around, observing its surroundings. After realizing it had lost its freedom, it flapped its wings and made harsh, shrill cries.

“Perhaps it doesn’t like rice? Should we try something else?” Jiang Miaomiao suggested.

Lu Qiming nodded and brought over everything he remembered that could be fed to birds: green beans, dried corn kernels, small millet, red beans, etc., which were placed into separate cups and offered to the bird.

In front of the large black bird were four or five cups lined up in a row, but it only pecked at them disinterestedly, showing no interest, and continued to squawk loudly. It even rammed its head against the cage, trying to break free.

Jiang Miaomiao watched anxiously and said, “It’s over; it won’t eat anything. What should we do?”

Lu Qiming’s face turned cold, and he said, “I think it hasn’t been hungry to the extreme yet. Let’s leave it for now. It will eat when it can’t bear the hunger anymore.”

She was half doubtful but left the birdcage in the supermarket and followed him back to their room.

In the evening, while preparing dinner, Jiang Miaomiao couldn’t help but take a look at the bird.

She saw that the large black bird had already hit its head until it was bleeding and had scattered feathers and droppings all over the cage. It was now barely breathing in a corner.

She immediately shouted, “Lu Qiming! Lu Qiming!”

Lu Qiming, who was carrying beverages near the shelves, walked over when he heard her, asking, “What’s wrong?”

“Look at this bird; is it dying?”

If they couldn’t keep it as a pet, they shouldn’t waste it; they should quickly scald its feathers and add a nice dish to tonight’s dinner.

Lu Qiming leaned over, looked at it for a moment, and poked it with a chopstick.

The large black bird’s half-closed eyes suddenly widened, and it began to struggle and hit the cage.

“It’s not dead; it’s perfectly fine,” he said, retracting the chopstick.

Jiang Miaomiao was still worried, “It didn’t eat any of the food we gave it, nor did it drink any water. It keeps hitting the cage like this. It won’t last for a few more days.”

“Birds are wild creatures; they have their instincts and are difficult to tame. It’s not like pet dogs that become friendly as soon as they see humans. Let’s wait a little longer.”

Although she was worried, she had no other choice but to leave it for now.

Before leaving, she put some more food inside the cage, hoping that it would eat, but unfortunately, the large black bird was too rebellious and only wanted freedom; it didn’t even glance at the beans and millet.

As the saying goes, “Know thyself, know thy enemy, and a hundred battles, a hundred victories.”

Right now, they couldn’t even figure out what kind of bird it was, so how could they take care of it properly?

The hotel had a small library, and that night Jiang Miaomiao went in with a flashlight, hoping to find some information that could help her.

It might have been a stroke of luck, as she actually found it.

In a thick hardcover encyclopedia of birds, she discovered a bird species that looked very similar to the large black bird.

The species was well-known – it was a crow.

This is a crow? The crow that drinks water?

Jiang Miaomiao, a city girl, was amazed, but upon closer comparison, it seemed a bit different.

The book said that crows had a medium-sized body, with a body length generally around 50 centimeters and weighing about 500-1000 grams.

However, the large black bird’s body length was definitely over half a meter, and it had a pair of large wings, weighing at least three catties.

Nevertheless, the two birds looked very similar, and it was hard to find any differences.

Human body sizes vary greatly; for example, she and Yao Ming looked like they didn’t belong to the same species. Could it be that this large black bird was the Yao Ming of the crow world?

That would be great.

When selecting pigs, one knew to choose the fattest; it was the same for birds.

If it’s large, the eggs it lays will be large, and the birds hatched from those eggs will also be large. A large nest would be the result. This was not just idle talk.

Uh… Was it a female or a male?

Jiang Miaomiao tried to remember but couldn’t recall, so she went to ask Lu Qiming, but he looked just as clueless.

Never mind; the beginning is always difficult. They had a good start, so what was there to be afraid of?

The night passed, and the first thing Jiang Miaomiao did when she woke up in the morning was to drag Lu Qiming to see if the bird had eaten.

Luckily, the large black bird stopped hitting the cage. The blood on its forehead had coagulated, and the wound didn’t seem too severe; it should heal soon.

Unfortunately, it resorted to another method of protest.

When their faces were close to the cage, they heard a “pu” sound, and bird droppings splattered out.

Lu Qiming quickly pulled Jiang Miaomiao away, unable to suppress his anger any longer.

“Damn bird!”

He opened the cage, grabbed the bird’s neck, and lifted it out. With his fingers firmly holding its beak open, he poured rice from the cup into its throat.

Jiang Miaomiao exclaimed, “Is this really okay? Won’t it hurt the bird?”

“If it gets hurt, it’s asking for it.”

Lu Qiming forcefully poured half a cup of rice down its throat. After confirming that it had swallowed it all, he prepared to let it go. However, they heard a few dry coughs, and the bird spat out all the rice it had just swallowed. Then, it turned around and bit hard on his hand.

His hand immediately had a bloody wound, and the pain made him reflexively release the bird.

The large black bird didn’t fly around wildly but flapped its wings and rushed back into the cage, closing the cage door itself.

Lu Qiming said, “You’ve got guts; come out if you dare!”

The large black bird huddled in a corner, showing its butt to him.

He was so angry that his face turned pale and then green. Jiang Miaomiao was worried about his injury, so she held his hand and blew on it, asking, “Does it hurt?”

A thin layer of callus was present on the woman’s fingers, the result of half a year of labor.

The wind she blew carried the refreshing mint from her toothpaste, dispersing his anger.

Lu Qiming shook his hand and said, “It’s definitely impossible to tame it. Let’s slaughter it and eat it, and catch a couple of easily domesticated ones another day.”

Jiang Miaomiao also had that plan.

Not only is it disobedient, but it also bites people, which is quite dangerous.

The two closed the cage and returned to the room. Jiang Miaomiao quickly tended to Lu Qiming’s wound and then they got back to work.

After finishing their tasks for the day, it was lunchtime for Jiang Miaomiao.

She chewed on a piece of ham sausage and stood in front of the cage, contemplating what would be the best way to stew the bird for soup.

Among the ingredients she had were wood ear mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, dried bamboo shoots, tea tree mushrooms, dried shrimp, kelp, sea cucumbers, and abalones. Oh, and there was a piece of ginseng priced at fifty-eight thousand eight hundred.

How about using the ginseng to make the soup and nourish everyone?

That’s the plan.

With her mind made up, she decided to boil water to kill the bird and pluck its feathers.

However, as she turned around, she noticed that the large black bird inside the cage was staring at her without blinking, and there was a hint of longing in its jet-black eyes.

Jiang Miaomiao glanced at the half piece of ham sausage in her hand and moved it to the left.

The head of the large black bird turned towards the left as well.


A few minutes later, she excitedly dragged Lu Qiming down.

“I know what it likes to eat, look!”

Lu Qiming focused on the cage, where the large black bird was eating a piece of ham sausage. It pecked it in half with its beak and then swallowed half of it in one bite.

“It has a good appetite; it has already eaten three pieces. It must have been really hungry before.”

Jiang Miaomiao said.

He furrowed his brow.

“It only eats meat?”

“Seems like it.”

“We can’t keep it.”


“We can’t even afford to eat meat ourselves, how can we feed it?”

For the sake of eating meat, raising a bird that eats meat would be superfluous.

Jiang Miaomiao said, “We have lots of ham sausages, several large boxes, and plenty of canned food. Giving it some won’t be a problem.”

“It eats four ham sausages a day. If we keep ten of these birds, it would eat forty sausages a day. Do you have enough stock to feed them for a few days?”


Lu Qiming said, “Let’s forget about keeping birds. It’s a waste of time and energy. It’s easier to catch one and eat it whenever we want.”

His suggestion made sense, but looking at the large black bird eating peacefully in the cage, Jiang Miaomiao felt reluctant to give up just like that.

“How about we try keeping it for a while? Maybe it will be willing to eat something else later.”

Lu Qiming said, “Well, I’m not keeping it.”

He got angry every time he looked at the wound on his hand, and he wanted to stew the bird.

Jiang Miaomiao hurriedly said, “It’s okay, I’ll take care of it. You don’t need to worry about it. Just wait for the meal.”

This proposal was quite acceptable, and Lu Qiming nodded and went upstairs to wait for lunch.

Relieved, Jiang Miaomiao watched him leave and then turned back to look at the bird in the cage.

The other bird had finished eating the fourth piece of ham sausage and was opening its mouth for the fifth one.

Jiang Miaomiao shook her finger at it.

“No more for you. You’re a bird, how can you eat more than a person? Good bird, have some rice.”

She pushed the paper cup towards it, but the bird turned its head away, facing her with its nostrils.

Jiang Miaomiao: “…Little rascal, please, pretty please?”

After staring at her for a while, the large black bird reluctantly took a bite.

She felt ecstatic and saw hope, so she fed it more actively.

Lu Qiming waited for lunch upstairs but didn’t get it. Jiang Rou Rou was also starving, so they went downstairs together to see what Jiang Miaomiao was doing.

Before entering the supermarket, they heard a familiar voice.

“Come on, take another bite, ahhh… fantastic!”

“Just one more bite left, open your mouth, ahhh.”

“That’s great; you are the cutest.”

Lu Qiming: “…”

Jiang Miaomiao caught sight of his figure and waved the empty cup in her hand to show off.

“Look, it finished a whole cup of rice. I told you it would eat something else.”

Being cooed at like a baby, he would eat too if he were in the bird’s place; there was nothing surprising.

Lu Qiming looked at the bird in the cage and suddenly remembered the scene when the dog first arrived home, feeling a sense of crisis.

Jiang Rou Rou, on the other hand, stared at the ground covered with ham sausage skins, feeling dejected, not understanding where it fell short compared to the black bird.

Jiang Miaomiao successfully tamed the large black bird and was very proud of it. She wanted to boast to Lu Qiming about it three times a day.

Considering that the cage was too small for the large bird, and since it was no longer biting people, she prepared a room for it and changed its condition to semi-free range.

In this once-coveted top-notch building, the large black bird now had a room of over thirty square meters, fulfilling a dream that was out of reach for many office workers before the apocalypse. It also got its name – Old White.

Like Jiang Rou Rou’s name, this name also carried Jiang Miaomiao’s profound hope.

“This bird is too ugly; I hope it will turn whiter in the future. It can not only eat meat but also become a beautiful scenery.”

In many movies, during big scenes, directors liked to use a flock of white doves to set the mood.

Though they had not accomplished anything significant, they were people who managed to survive in this post-apocalyptic world. They deserved to enjoy some protagonist treatment.

Old White lived in the room for three days and gradually adapted to the new environment. Its daily diet also became regular.

Jiang Miaomiao fed it twice a day – a full cup of rice for its main meal, half a piece of ham sausage, a handful of green beans, and a cup of water for side dishes.

Watching Old White grow stronger day by day, she began to include her reproduction plan.

It was time to find a companion for Old White. She dreamt of eating egg-wrapped dumplings at night.

However… Should she find a female or a male for it?

Old White was already aggressive; if she got another aggressive one of the same sex, there might be bloodshed every day.

She needed to distinguish between the two.

One afternoon, Jiang Miaomiao pulled Lu Qiming away from his games and brought him outside the bird room, where she opened a crack in the door to take a look inside.

Old White was squatting in a corner, sleeping, and making snoring noises from its nose.

The two tiptoed in, closed the door, and went to catch it.

Lu Qiming was agile and took the lead. He walked up to it in a few steps, bent down to catch it, but suddenly it opened its eyes alertly, flapped its wings, and flew up to land on the ceiling lamp, grabbing onto the lightbulb and refusing to let go.

The lightbulb was electrified, and if it got electrocuted, it would be a great pity. She had put in so much effort to raise it.

Jiang Miaomiao quickly raised both hands, assuming a harmless posture, and gently coaxed it.

“Old White, how about coming down? We won’t catch you; we just want to have a look.”

Lu Qiming sneered: A woman’s words are as deceitful as a ghost.

Old White blinked its eyes but remained still.

Jiang Miaomiao took out half a piece of prepared ham sausage from her pocket and waved it in the air.

Unable to resist the temptation of food, it landed on her arm.

The two of them immediately gathered around and observed.

Feathers? Can’t tell.

All crows are black; it’s hard to distinguish between male and female.

Beak and claws? Sharp as a dagger; one peck on her face could disfigure her.

At first glance, it seemed more like a male, but in the natural world, females are often more aggressive than males, such as female lions and hens, so it was still difficult to determine.

In the end, only the genitalia remained.

Jiang Miaomiao looked at Lu Qiming, who shook his head directly.

She could only take a deep breath and personally opened Old White’s tail feathers, carefully observing the bird’s behind for the first time.

Beneath the tail feathers was a small hole, obviously for excretion.

Apart from that… nothing???

Where was the genitalia?!

Both of them looked at each other, feeling bewildered.

Lu Qiming thought for a moment and suddenly reached out to touch the bird’s belly.

Disturbed by the intrusion while indulging in the delicious ham sausage, Old White made a noise and tried to fly away.

Jiang Miaomiao quickly held it in her arms, comforting it patiently while letting Lu Qiming continue his examination.

He furrowed his brows and gradually touched down from top to bottom, his expression becoming more and more serious, and his hand even trembling slightly.

She asked anxiously, “Did you find it?”

He didn’t answer but kept squeezing the bird’s belly with his thumb.


Old White opened its mouth and made a sound, and a grey-green egg with brown speckles fell securely into Lu Qiming’s palm.

The egg wasn’t large, about a third smaller than a regular chicken egg, and looked even smaller when juxtaposed with Lu Qiming’s palm.

However, Jiang Miaomiao was overwhelmed with excitement.

After half a year, she finally saw an egg again! Sob…

It was evident that the bird could lay eggs, which meant it was a female. They rewarded it with half a piece of ham sausage and put it back, returning to their room to discuss how to handle this egg.

Since they wanted to follow the sustainable development route, it would be most cost-effective to keep the bird egg and hatch it with other eggs later.

However, Old White didn’t have a male companion around, and they were unsure if this egg was fertilized.

If it wasn’t, keeping it would only lead to it rotting, wasting it.

More importantly… they really missed the taste of eggs.

“Let’s eat it,” Jiang Miaomiao said. “Make sunny-side-up eggs, half each.”

“The sunny-side-up eggs are too few, not enough to eat,” Lu Qiming was very distressed.

“What should we do then? We only have one egg; there’s no way to make two.”

He rubbed his chin and thought seriously for a while, “Let’s steam it.”


Jiang Miaomiao swallowed some saliva and went to find a bowl.

Five minutes later, the bird egg was ready. It transformed from a tiny egg into half a bowl of pale yellow egg custard.

The aroma she remembered spread through her nose, and her hand holding the spoon trembled with excitement.

Just as she was about to start eating, Jiang Miaomiao suddenly hesitated and pushed the bowl towards Lu Qiming.

“Let you eat it; I don’t want it anymore.”

He was very surprised, “Are you feeling unwell?”

“You’ve done so much work before; it was tough for you. You should eat it. As for me…”

She originally intended not to eat any, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it, so she said, “Just leave a little for me to taste.”

Lu Qiming sneered, “Don’t make yourself sound so pitiful.”

“I’m serious!”

He looked at her skeptically, “Are you sure you want to give it to me?”

“Yes,” she nodded, “people who contribute a lot should enjoy a little more.”

“Fine…” Lu Qiming sighed and picked up the bowl.

Jiang Miaomiao turned her face away, so she wouldn’t regret her decision.

The next second, the bowl was handed back to her, and along with it, Lu Qiming’s smiling eyes.

“Then I should share it with you even more.”


“Because I love you.”


To be honest, the bird egg wasn’t as delicious as a chicken egg; it had a slightly fishy taste.

But Jiang Miaomiao was happier than if she had eaten a sumptuous feast, her smile radiant like a flower.

After finishing the meal, she planned to wash the dishes, while Lu Qiming lit a cigarette, standing behind her and softly saying:

“Come to think of it, crows are scavengers. With so many zombies outside, they probably treat them like a buffet and must have eaten a lot. That’s probably why it grew so big.”

“…” Jiang Miaomiao suddenly stopped her actions, and her stomach churned.

“The eggs it lays must have absorbed nutrients from zombie meat. When we eat the eggs, it’s like eating zombie meat.”


Jiang Miaomiao leaned over the sink and began to retch.

Lu Qiming walked over with a playful smile and patted her back.

“Alright, alright, I was just kidding. Even if they really eat zombies, it’s already digested in their stomachs.”

“Ugh… Shut up!”

Is this how he loves her?

This is clearly hatred! It’s like the level of seeking revenge for a murdered father!

Jiang Miaomiao tried to vomit but couldn’t bring anything up. She had to drink several cups of water to force herself to stop thinking about it.

The next morning, the two of them returned to the rooftop with their tools to catch the bird.

Throughout the whole day, several birds landed to eat the rice, but none of them were crows.

Just as Alaskan and Corgi could produce Alaskorgis, sparrows and crows couldn’t give birth to a sparow.

Occasionally, black birds flew across the sky, looking somewhat like Old White, but they refused to come down.

They waited the whole day but returned empty-handed. In the evening, when they went to feed Old White, they made a new discovery.

“Quack, quack.”

It called towards the window.

“Quack, quack.”

The same bird call came from outside the window, with a rougher voice.

Lu Qiming walked over to open the window, and Jiang Miaomiao asked, “What are you doing?”

He pushed the glass open and raised an eyebrow.

“The husband has come to visit; we need to have a reunion.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a black figure flew in, circled around, and landed next to Old White.

The new bird was smaller than Old White, looking very agile, but its eyes were full of vigilance as it observed them closely.

Lu Qiming was about to close the window when the new bird suddenly let out a harsh scream, flapping its wings as if it wanted to leave.

Old White also made two calls and nudged the paper cup containing rice towards the new bird.

The two birds engaged in a communication that humans couldn’t understand, and finally, the new bird lowered its head and started pecking at the rice.

The two of them left the room and closed the door.

Jiang Miaomiao breathed a sigh of relief, jokingly saying, “Who would have thought Old White had such charm, even getting a boyfriend to come over while locked in the room.”

Lu Qiming glanced at her, “Crows are famously monogamous among birds; they only have one partner for life. If the partner dies, they remain lonely for the rest of their lives.”

Surprised, she asked, “Is that true? How do you know?”

“That’s not important. What’s important is…”

He lowered his head, gazing at her intently, “Will you be as faithful as they are?”


“If one day I die or disappear, will you remember me for the rest of your life, cherish my memory forever? Or will you immediately find someone else who can help you?”

Jiang Miaomiao frowned, unable to understand why he asked such a question.

Was he worried about being abandoned? Did he get the roles mixed up?

Considering their respective abilities, shouldn’t she be the one worried about this issue?

Lu Qiming waited for a long time but didn’t get the answer he wanted. His gaze gradually became disappointed, and he turned to leave.

Jiang Miaomiao caught up to him and firmly grabbed his hand.

“What are you doing?” he asked, somewhat impatiently.

She hooked her arm around his neck, made him lower his head, then stood on her tiptoes and kissed his forehead.

Lu Qiming: “…”

She patted his head and smiled.

“See, I’ve stamped you.”

“You haven’t even slept yet, and you’re already talking in your dreams?”

Facing his sarcasm, Jiang Miaomiao didn’t get angry at all.

“Don’t pretend. I know you have insecurities because of your parents’ divorce, right? Oh, come on, you’re almost 1.9 meters tall, and you’re still as fragile as a child? Here, let big sister hug you.”

Lu Qiming blushed, pushed her away, and walked ahead.

“You’re crazy.”

She bounced in front of him, deliberately sighed.

“I’m lazy, you know? Lazy to work, and lazy to start a new relationship. You’ve already helped me so much, so can you help me a little more? Don’t die, don’t leave, don’t give me a chance to choose someone else forever.”

Lu Qiming rolled his eyes. “Talk is cheap.”

“Then what should we do? Now that the Civil Affairs Bureau is closed, I can’t even make a resolution to get married with you.”

After looking at her for a while, he suddenly hoisted her up onto his shoulder.

“Now that you’ve stamped me, it’s my turn.”

“Ah ah… help… save me…”

The cries of distress were muffled behind the closed door, but not long after, they turned into sounds of enjoyment.

Mr. and Mrs. Old White were very efficient; they had only been living with them for less than half a month when they laid a clutch of eggs.

The two of them ate two of the eggs and left five or six more in the bird nest they had made with cardboard and cotton wool, allowing Old White to start incubating them.

The incubation period for crows was very short, around 16 to 20 days, which meant they only had to wait for another half a month before welcoming a batch of new members into their home.

They didn’t know how many would hatch, but regardless of the number, it was good news for them.

Lu Qiming thought Jiang Miaomiao would be very happy, after all, they were going to have meat to eat soon.

However, she seemed lethargic all the time, frequently running to the bathroom, and refusing his invitations in the evening, simply going to bed.

That night, he caught her coming out of the bathroom and was determined to find out what was going on.

“Did you eat expired snacks again?”

He had emphasized several times not to eat expired food and to throw it all away.

But this woman always hesitated to throw things away, hiding them when he wasn’t looking, like she was a hamster.

Jiang Miaomiao denied it, “I didn’t.”

“If you didn’t, then why do you keep running to the bathroom? Don’t tell me you have diarrhea?”

“I go to the bathroom because… because…”

She stopped halfway and hesitated whether to tell him.

Go ahead, it might be a misunderstanding, that would be embarrassing.

But if she didn’t say anything, it was their business, and he would eventually find out.

Thinking about this, she bit her finger and finally told him the doubts that had been bothering her for several days.

“I might be pregnant.”

Lu Qiming’s eyes widened suddenly, and he remained motionless for a long time.

She waved her hand, “Don’t be silly. What should I do? Having a child at this time, I will die.”

“…wait a minute.”

Lu Qiming made a calm gesture, but he was anxious and pulling his hair. “This… how did you find out?”

She said dejectedly, “I haven’t had my period for over forty days.”

She had been busy with work before and didn’t have time to keep track. But these past few days, when she had some free time, she checked, and it startled her.

They always used condoms, but condoms were not 100% effective.

If she was really pregnant… the outcome was unimaginable.

It was all Lu Qiming’s fault. Why did he have to be so skilled? It made it impossible for her to find an excuse to refuse.

Lu Qiming asked, “How often did you have your period before?”

“It wasn’t very regular before, sometimes every twenty-something days, sometimes over thirty days. But the situation is different now.”

“How is it different?”

“Before, I didn’t have sexual activity.”

The words slipped out, and the atmosphere instantly became awkward.

Lu Qiming bit his lip and didn’t speak. Jiang Miaomiao coughed twice and tentatively asked, “Do you have any experience?”

“What experience?”

“Pregnancy, I mean. Are there any symptoms when you first get pregnant? Tell me so I can compare.”

He was very speechless, “How would I have that ability?”

“Of course, you wouldn’t. Your ex-girlfriend would. Did any accidents happen to you guys?”


She observed him for a while and suddenly burst into laughter.

“Could it be that this is your first time in a relationship too? Oh my, I didn’t expect that, hahaha.”

Lu Qiming touched his nose and said in a serious tone, “Don’t change the subject.”

The one in danger right now was her, and she still had the mood to laugh, it was like she had no worries at all.

Seeing him so serious, Jiang Miaomiao quickly restrained her smile.

“You have no experience, and I have no experience. We can’t go to the hospital now, and we can’t even determine if I’m pregnant or not. Sigh.”

Lu Qiming thought for a moment, then suddenly walked outside.

Jiang Miaomiao asked, “Where are you going? It’s nighttime.”

“I need to find something.”

“Are you looking for… a pregnancy test kit?”

He didn’t answer, but it was obvious she guessed correctly.

She sighed, “There’s no pharmacy in the building, where are you going to find one? Even if there’s one outside, it might have been exposed to water and no longer usable. I think we should wait for another two months. If my belly gets bigger, then it means I’m pregnant.”

“What if something happens before we can confirm?”

Like eating something wrong, falling down, or taking cold medicine to reduce fever.

These seemingly trivial matters could be deadly for a pregnant woman.

The more Lu Qiming thought about it, the more anxious he became, and he instinctively reached for a cigarette to smoke. But with his hand in his pocket, he looked at her flat belly and immediately withdrew it.

“I’ll go look for it.”

“I’ll go with you.”

“No, you can’t.”

“Are you going to look for it all by yourself until when? You might not find it even by dawn. Aren’t you going to sleep?”

Lu Qiming turned to look at her, his eyes deep.

“I’ll go look, you rest, be good.”

Jiang Miaomiao couldn’t argue any further and watched him leave, lying alone on the bed.

The moonlight was cold, and she held a pillow, touching her belly that showed no signs of change, and her mind was filled with endless thoughts.

Would there really be a little life there? Their child with Lu Qiming?

Would it be a boy or a girl? What would they look like? Would they prefer humanities or sciences? When they grow up, would they want to be a teacher or a scientist?

Countless questions flooded her mind, but they were all trivial.

There was only one question she dared not think about – if it really existed, should she keep it or not?

Lu Qiming searched all night and returned at dawn with an unopened small box.

“I found this at an employee’s workstation. It’s not expired. You can try it.”

She nodded and took the box, flipping it over in her hands.

“Why didn’t you go?” Lu Qiming asked.

Jiang Miaomiao raised her head, “I’m a bit hungry, let’s cook first.”

She said she wanted to get out of bed, but he stopped her.

“You stay lying down, I’ll do it.”

…He was treating her like a pregnant woman when they didn’t even know if she was pregnant or not?

She returned to the bed, and Lu Qiming went downstairs to cook.

The air-conditioning was still on in the room, and bulletproof glass kept the hot air outside.

Jiang Miaomiao didn’t want to stay alone, so she brushed her teeth and decided to go down and help.

In the supermarket, she saw Lu Qiming standing in front of the baby products shelf, holding a pair of tiny white baby shoes in his palm.

The shoes were packaged in a transparent box, delicately like a piece of art.

He looked down at them, a faint smile appearing on his lips, revealing a gentleness he had never shown before.

Does he really like children?

Jiang Miaomiao was about to walk over, but she saw him put the shoebox back on the shelf and whispered, “I really want to see you, but it’s not the right time now. So please, don’t torment her.”

She froze in place, standing still.

An indescribable sense of bitterness spread in her heart.

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