SFTIAAB Chapter 46

The first time Lu Qiming saw Gu Changzhou was more than twenty years ago, during a summer. At that time, Lu Qiming was already purchasing properties and shops in Argentina, preparing to open his business in the fall.

About a month before the grand opening, someone from his company approached him, saying that there was a highly rewarding task that urgently needed people, and it could be completed in around ten days at most. The task was simple – just transport a batch of goods from Country A to Country B.

Due to the special nature of the goods, they absolutely couldn’t be discovered and couldn’t be transported by air. So they had to disguise themselves and transport the goods by road.

Lu Qiming had taken up many similar jobs before, transporting goods ranging from antiques to priceless jewelry. He was used to it and thought it would be a good opportunity to make some extra money before the opening. Therefore, he agreed to take the task.

Moreover, due to his experience, he was also appointed as the leader of the mercenaries hired for the job.

Upon arriving at the destination with his four companions, Lu Qiming noticed that the situation was somewhat different from his previous experiences. There was already another group of people waiting there, arranged by the employer to join them in the transportation.

He was puzzled, but since he was getting paid for the job, he didn’t think too much about it and set out on the journey with them.

Mercenaries were usually required to have strong physiques, so most of them were white or black people, and Asians were relatively rare. Lu Qiming was used to being the odd one out, but among those people, he saw a young Asian man.

It was the inexperienced Gu Changzhou.

At that time, Gu Changzhou was in dire economic circumstances, and his pregnant girlfriend was about to be taken away by her family. He wanted to make quick money and had no other options, so he got involved in this line of work through someone’s introduction.

In his early twenties, he was skilled in martial arts and had a good understanding of firearms and ammunition. However, after retiring, he had been working as a security guard, and the riskiest job he had done was guarding the entrance of an underground casino. So, in this line of work, he was still quite inexperienced.

Seeing a fellow countryman in a foreign land easily gave people a sense of kinship. Especially after getting to know Gu Changzhou and learning that he was just like himself, doing this dangerous work for the sake of money, Lu Qiming felt a lot of sympathy for him and took care of him and offered advice at every opportunity.

Among the mercenaries, there was a habit – since they were doing dangerous and often secretive work, they were reluctant to reveal their real identities, and they used code names to address each other. Lu Qiming was known as A63, and Gu Changzhou was D45.

During the transportation, they encountered several obstacles, but managed to get through them relatively smoothly.

But when they were about to reach their destination and complete the task, something unexpected happened.

The incident caused Lu Qiming’s entire team to be wiped out, and he was captured and kept in a secret laboratory for more than twenty years. It also made him hate that seemingly innocent fellow countryman to this day.

On that morning, the group was resting in a hotel when suddenly multinational policemen requested to inspect their vehicles.

Lu Qiming had encountered such situations many times before and knew that the goods were well concealed and wouldn’t be detected during the inspection, so he was ready to let them check without any worries.

At this moment, the leader of another team proposed that they should leave with the goods first, and their people would stay behind to cover their retreat and resolve any issues before rejoining them later.

Lu Qiming was already twenty-seven years old and had been in the business for five years, no longer a naive young man. He didn’t believe they were being so considerate and refused the proposal, insisting on accepting the inspection.

The other team left, and not long after, Gu Changzhou came and repeatedly promised Lu Qiming that he had no ulterior motives.

Lu Qiming still remembered the words he used to persuade him.

“When I complete this task and get the money, I’ll have the courage to propose to my girlfriend. By then, she will be close to giving birth, and it will be my first time becoming a father. The task absolutely cannot go wrong, or else I’ll be jailed, and everyone will be jailed. Her parents will look down on me for a lifetime. Brother, just do me a favor. After the child is born, can you be the godfather? Please, I beg you.”

Due to his parents’ situation, Lu Qiming didn’t have a positive view of marriage. Moreover, his profession was unusual, and he didn’t think it was suitable for marriage. Therefore, he had planned to remain single for the rest of his life.

Being alone was indeed lonely, and the connection with his parents had become increasingly distant over time.

He had made plans to adopt a child once his life became stable. However, if he already had a godson or goddaughter, he could call them during lonely times, chat about their studies or daily life, and have a reason to buy gifts when festivals came around. With all these thoughts, coupled with the other party’s persistent attitude, Lu Qiming reluctantly agreed. He decided to take his people and leave first, leaving Gu Changzhou’s team to deal with the police.

Unexpectedly, less than two hours into their journey, they encountered an ambush on the road. The firepower was extremely fierce, and they were vastly outnumbered, unable to resist. Lu Qiming was shot and couldn’t move, helplessly watching as the attackers dismantled the car seats and found the goods they had risked their lives to transport – a few ordinary and unremarkable vials of penicillin.

“We’ve been tricked!” the attackers said.

In that instant when he heard those words, Lu Qiming realized he had been deceived. The real goods had never been in their car; they were with the other team. They had been used as bait, attracting the firepower while the real escort team escaped.

Lu Qiming didn’t get angry; he knew he had been foolish and lost the gamble. But he couldn’t forgive Gu Changzhou. Using his unborn child as bait, didn’t he feel guilty?

Wouldn’t he think of the people who died for his happiness when he held his own newborn child?

Lu Qiming prepared himself to die, but to his surprise, when the attackers came to finish them off, they discovered that he was in good physical shape, had no relatives, and had no identification – making him suitable for being sent to a laboratory as a test subject.

He was knocked unconscious and taken away. In that moment of unconsciousness, he felt relieved. He believed that as long as he was alive, he would have a chance to escape and settle the score with someone.

Upon arriving at the laboratory, he realized it was much more secure than he had imagined. There was no chance of leaving on his own. He barely had a chance to get off the bed and spent almost all his time strapped to an operating table, subjected to various unknown drugs and experiments. The drugs kept him in a state of constant lethargy, and some of the surgeries even required abdominal or cranial incisions.

Lu Qiming had never felt so helpless before. He sometimes wondered if he was no longer a person but a helpless beast at the mercy of others.

Days of imprisonment made him extremely weak, but the injected drugs made his cells more vigorous than before, turning him into a half-dead and monstrous creature.

In those painful days, he forgot his name and his past experiences. The only thing he could clearly remember was Gu Changzhou’s deceitful face.

The experiment continued for more than ten years and ended in failure. Five years before the outbreak of the apocalypse, Lu Qiming, along with other test subjects, was frozen, awaiting destruction. However, for some unknown reason, the destruction never happened, and the laboratory fell into a state of semi-abandonment.

When the apocalypse struck, the power system was damaged, and the freezing equipment automatically restarted. Lu Qiming regained consciousness. He dragged his feeble body out of that hellish place and saw not the city he remembered, but a world filled with an overwhelming number of grotesque, hungry, and hideous undead creatures.

As Lu Qiming finished recounting those events to Jiang Miaomiao, she was shocked and her mouth hung open.

“Is, is what you’re saying true? It’s not some plot you read in a novel, right? Oh no, please don’t lie to me,” Jiang Miaomiao said, her voice trembling.

Lu Qiming smiled helplessly, “If I could, I really wish it was just fiction.”

He wanted to imagine living like an ordinary man, working hard to support his family, even if the job was tough and didn’t earn much. But at least, when he returned home, he could happily watch TV while hugging his wife and child. Being briefly with Jiang Miaomiao allowed him to experience that happiness, and it was just as he had imagined. However, his luck was never good; it was true in the past, and it’s still true now. Just as he was about to step into a normal life, fate had to make things difficult, snatching away the happiness within his reach.

Jiang Miaomiao couldn’t help but be bothered by one thing. “If you were already twenty-seven more than twenty years ago, doesn’t that mean you’re almost fifty now? You’re almost fifty?!”

Using his increasingly stiff brain, Lu Qiming calculated, “I should be forty-eight.”

Jiang Miaomiao exclaimed, “Oh my God!”

No wonder he didn’t know how to play ‘King of Glory,’ and no wonder he didn’t recognize ‘Song Xiaobao.’ He was a little old man!

“What’s wrong?” Lu Qiming asked.

“What’s wrong? You’re really old!”

Lu Qiming felt a stab in his heart, as if someone had stabbed him with a knife, and he forced himself to explain, “I look young. Those drugs can slow down aging and maintain cell vitality.”

The drugs tormented him, but their effects were indeed miraculous. Not only did his scars heal quickly, but his appearance hardly changed.

“But you’re still old! I actually slept with a nearly fifty-year-old man? My goodness!”

Jiang Miaomiao was almost in a state of disarray, and Lu Qiming’s face turned green and white, and he began to cough.

Concerned, she immediately got him some water and patted his back. “Feeling better?”

Lu Qiming coughed violently, feeling dizzy. He couldn’t help but smile bitterly; he really was like an old man.

The room was heated well, and he was coughing heavily, causing him to break into a sweat in no time.

Worried about his discomfort, Jiang Miaomiao took out fresh clothes from her bag to help him change.

He was too heavy, and his skin was easily injured, so she carefully helped him change his clothes.

Before she was done, she was already exhausted.

Lu Qiming, with his eyes lowered, said, “If you can’t accept it, you can leave. The base is nearby, and they will come to pick you up.”

Jiang Miaomiao glanced at him with disdain. “Has the virus already entered your brain? You’re starting to talk nonsense.”

“… Weren’t you just complaining that I’m old?”

“So what if I complained? I also complain that Meatball eats a lot, but I didn’t kick it out.”

Lu Qiming glanced at Jiang Meatball, still feeling uneasy.

“If you’re scared and want to leave, I won’t blame you.”

Jiang Miaomiao was in the middle of putting pants on him when she heard this. She took a deep breath and sat down next to him.

“I really don’t fear you, and I have a secret too. I hadn’t planned on telling anyone, but since you’ve been honest with me, I’ll tell you,” she said.

He looked puzzled and asked, “What secret?”

“I am…”

The phrase “transmigrated into a novel” spun around in her mouth, and she suddenly couldn’t bear to say it out loud.

If she knew she was just a character in a book, whoever it was would probably have some existential doubts. They were so lifelike, especially Lu Qiming. Even in real life, Jiang Miaomiao rarely encountered someone as vivid as him.

This was a world.

Even if it only existed in a book, it was a real world.

Jiang Miaomiao thought of a better reason and leaned close to his ear, speaking in a volume only they could hear due to concerns about surveillance in the room, “I was reborn.”

“What?” he asked in disbelief.

“I lived until the end of the apocalypse and suddenly returned to before the appearance of zombies, so I made preparations in advance and stored so many supplies.”

She paused and said seriously, “You don’t need to worry that I’m scared of you or mind your experiences, because I am also a person who died and came back to life.”

Lu Qiming looked at her for a moment and shook his head.

“Don’t lie to me.”

“… I’m not lying to you, it’s true.”

“It’s impossible,” he said, with an incredulous expression. “Someone like you, how could you have experienced life’s ups and downs.”

Now she was formidable, having the courage to take on zombies one-on-one.

But he clearly remembered her appearance when they first met.

She was in a state where the slightest movement would make her want to turn on the gas and commit suicide—a girl who had been living a comfortable life and never experienced hardships.

Jiang Miaomiao was speechless and got up to leave.

“Whatever, believe it or not.”


She turned around. “Do you believe me now?”

Lu Qiming said, “At the very least, help me put on my pants.”

There were probably surveillance cameras installed in this room; otherwise, Gu Changzhou wouldn’t have left them so confidently.

Although he didn’t mind being watched, he found it hard to accept the thought that the person he hated the most was now watching his most private parts.

Jiang Miaomiao returned to the sofa and helped him put on his pants, then checked the time.

“It’s already evening. Are you hungry?”

Lu Qiming’s digestion was also affected, and the food he ate on the plane in the afternoon was still stuck in his throat, leaving him with no appetite.

But when he looked at Jiang Miaomiao, he didn’t want her to worry, so he nodded.

She handed him a cookie. “Fill your stomach first. I’ll go to the kitchen and see what’s available to eat.”

After she spoke, she walked towards the kitchen.

Lu Qiming held the cookie, with no appetite at all, and saw Jiang Meatball nearby. He wanted to ask it for help.

However, he emitted a dangerous smell, and Jiang Meatball didn’t dare to approach. It also didn’t want to let go of that cookie.

After much deliberation, it came over with its tail between its legs.

Lu Qiming stretched his hand with great difficulty, and Jiang Meatball quickly took the cookie and ran, hiding in a corner to eat.

Jiang Miaomiao soon came out, holding two big bags in her arms, her face filled with excitement.

“Great! There’s a lot of military rations stored in the kitchen. We can eat for a long time!”

Lu Qiming perked up and smiled in agreement, “Really? That’s great.”

“For the main course, we have chicken fried rice, beef fried rice, stir-fried noodles, and lean meat congee. What do you want to eat?”

He touched his stomach, which felt like a big stone, “I’ll have congee.”

Jiang Miaomiao went back to the kitchen and got busy. It didn’t take long before she came out with a steaming bowl of congee, holding a small spoon to feed him.

The portion of the congee wasn’t large, but halfway through drinking it, Lu Qiming couldn’t swallow anymore, waving his hand to let her eat.

She opened a pack of chicken fried rice; it smelled delicious but tasted bland.

Perhaps it was already bad, or maybe her mood affected the taste.

The bathroom had hot water, and being able to take a hot bath in this situation was undoubtedly a luxury that couldn’t be missed.

So after eating, Jiang Miaomiao helped Lu Qiming to the bathroom, making him sit on the toilet and intending to help him undress.

Lu Qiming was taken aback and covered his chest, asking, “What are you doing?”

“To help you take a bath.”

“I don’t want to.”

“Big brother, you stink like this, and you still don’t want to take a bath? Do you want to suffocate me?”

Lu Qiming hesitated.

Taking a bath was different from changing clothes.

After taking off clothes, he could immediately put on new ones, not having to look for too long. But taking a bath required turning on the light and carefully washing.

And his current body, he knew without looking, was extremely ugly.

He wanted to show her his six-pack abs and broad chest, not the disgusting skin that looked like mud.

Jiang Miaomiao squatted in front of him, placing her hands on his knees.

“Are you afraid you won’t be able to resist biting me? It’s fine. After being bitten, I’ll immediately open the door and let Meatball take a bite too. Then we’ll sneak out from behind this mountain. If we can’t be like the heroes in ‘The Return of the Condor Heroes,’ we can be the heroes of ‘The Godly Dog Bites the Zombie.’ There’s a vast grassland outside the mountain, and it should be enough for us to wander for a long time.”

Lu Qiming sneered, “You always think so beautifully, fool.”

She insisted, “Life is already so difficult, we must think beautifully. Otherwise, how can we live? Be good, let me help you bathe, or you’ll smell bad, and I won’t let you on the bed.”

He had no choice but to release his hand and let her proceed.

Jiang Miaomiao took off his shirt, and because she knew his skin was fragile, she handled him gently. However, she accidentally tore off a few small pieces of skin.

She threw the clothes into the nearby basket and hesitated for a long time.

Lu Qiming felt her gaze on his back and asked, “Is it serious? Get me a mirror so I can see.”

“It’s not serious, not serious at all. Your figure is still great, just as handsome as before.”

He self-deprecatingly tugged at the corners of his mouth but didn’t say anything.

After Jiang Miaomiao finished undressing him, she turned on the shower, adjusting the water temperature. When she felt it was about right, she began to wash his body.

Lu Qiming’s condition was really not good.

His skin was covered with spots of different sizes, and many of them had started to rot from the middle, revealing dark red muscles, from which sticky pus oozed faintly.

Jiang Miaomiao had seen patients with psoriasis before, and back then, she felt so disgusted that she almost vomited.

However, looking at his even more horrifying back now, she just wanted to cry.

Lu Qiming used to have such a great figure, good enough to be a model. She wished she could just lie on top of him all day and never get up.

Damn virus.

Silently wiping away her tears, she continued to rinse.

When she reached his waist, Lu Qiming tried to dodge.

“Let’s skip this part; I’ll do it myself.”

She shook her head and continued to wash him. Then she suddenly asked, “The book said you guys don’t have bones; it’s all soft tissue. If it rots further, will it just fall off?”

“… Thanks, you really know how to speak.”

“Don’t be self-conscious. If I become a zombie, it’ll be the same. My… my breasts might fall off too. It’s even worse than you; both will fall off at once.”

Lu Qiming mocked, “With your size, I’m afraid there won’t be a chance.”

“… Same to you.”

They joked, and the atmosphere became much lighter.

As Jiang Miaomiao washed him, she even started to hum a song.

Lu Qiming remembered how she looked when she was planting vegetables, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but curl up.

She washed away everything she could, then turned off the water and brought a towel.

She didn’t dare to rub hard, pressing gently as if applying foundation, absorbing the water on the surface of his skin. Then she sprayed perfume, almost masking any unpleasant smell.

She picked a soft-looking pajama set for him to wear and helped him lie down on the bed in the bedroom.

She called Meatball to accompany him and then went to take a shower herself.

In the past, it would take her at least twenty minutes to take a shower. If she included washing and drying her hair, it would take even longer. Several times, she almost fainted from the steam in the bathroom.

But now, for some reason, she was always afraid to leave for too long. She worried that if she did, Lu Qiming would turn into a zombie.

In that case, they wouldn’t even have a chance to say their last words to each other.

So she finished her shower in just a few minutes, half-dried her hair, and hurried back to the room.

Lu Qiming leaned against the head of the bed, his head drooping as if he were asleep.

Jiang Miaomiao quietly walked over, crouching beside the bed to look at him.

A black spot appeared on his right cheek, the size of a baby’s fist, with a small part spreading onto the high bridge of his nose, looking like a huge birthmark.

She changed her perspective and saw that his right face was hidden in the shadow, but his left face, just like when they first met, still looked handsome.

What was he thinking back then?

He should have escaped from the laboratory not long ago, traversing a sea of zombies to return to his country. She had no idea how many dangers he had encountered.

He said he was going to find a friend. Could it be he was going to seek revenge on Gu Changzhou?

It didn’t matter; he had given up everything for her, no matter who he was going to find.

Jiang Miaomiao looked up, raised her hand, and wanted to touch his perfectly shaped nose.

After all, if she didn’t touch it now, she might not get the chance again.

Lu Qiming suddenly opened his eyes, and it took a great effort for him to restrain himself from biting her.

“Don’t stay beside me in silence from now on.”

When he was conscious, it was a little better; he could control himself to some extent. But in that semi-conscious state, he really couldn’t control it.

Jiang Miaomiao nodded and lifted the covers, climbing onto the bed.

He was startled, “What are you doing?”

She was puzzled, “Sleeping, of course.”


“Yeah, there’s only one bed in the room. I’ve been taking care of you so diligently; you can’t kick me out to sleep on the floor.”

Lu Qiming tried to move down with great effort.

“I’ll go.”

“Come back!”

She rushed over and hugged him, bringing the weak him back to lie on his back, resting her head on his chest.

“Is your eardrum rotten or something?”


“Why do you always not hear what I say? I want to sleep with you. As long as I’m alive, I want to sleep with you every day. You’re not allowed to run away.”

Lu Qiming said, “I really might bite you.”

She rolled up her sleeves and extended her slender, fair arm to him.

“Bite here then, but be gentle with your lower mouth.”

Lu Qiming was speechless, “Weren’t you afraid of death before? Now you’re so daring?”

“Yeah, I got fat because of you. I’ll become even fatter in the future.”

She kissed him on the lips, turned off the light, and tightly embraced him.


In the darkness, Lu Qiming’s breathing gradually became heavier.

Jiang Miaomiao exclaimed in surprise, “You still have a reaction there!”

“… Can you stop touching it randomly?”

“I’m just curious. Alright, alright, I’m really going to sleep this time. No more talking.”

She got off him and obediently lay beside him, one hand resting on his waist, as if afraid he would run away in the middle of the night.

She must have been tired because soon, a regular breathing sound came from beside her.

Lu Qiming was tormented by the smell on her, so he broke through the covers and pulled out two cotton balls to stuff up his nose, feeling a bit calmer.

How much longer could he hold on to his consciousness?

Yesterday, he could walk on his own; today, he was already like this. It probably wouldn’t last until tomorrow.

What would happen then?

Would they really become two zombies with a zombie dog, wandering stupidly on the ice sheet, just as she said?

He couldn’t help but smile, but before he could retract the corners of his mouth, tears rolled down his chin.

At two in the morning, Lu Qiming started running a high fever.

The scorching temperature made Jiang Miaomiao very uneasy and unable to ignore it. She searched the entire room for medicine.

There was a first aid kit in the living room cabinet, and it contained fever-reducing medication.

She gave him one pill, but it didn’t work. She tried another, and he was still burning up frighteningly.

Lu Qiming lay on the bed, his body pale, cold sweat dampening his hair. He seemed to have lost consciousness and began to talk incoherently.

“I still have twenty thousand yuan here. It’s important to see a doctor.”

“Be careful, there’s an ambush ahead.”

“Your girlfriend will wait for you.”

“Miaomiao… Miaomiao…”

Calling her name, he repeated the same words over and over again like a broken record.

Jiang Miaomiao was anxious, and she saw the communication device on the wall. She called the base.

“Save him… please save him? I’m willing to do anything…”

The person who answered the call was Gu Changzhou’s assistant, who sounded apologetic, saying, “The captain is out on a mission. Please contact us tomorrow.”

She urgently asked, “Can you at least give me some medicine? Didn’t he say that you would fulfill our needs?”

“I can do that. Of course, I’ll fulfill it, but he’s probably beyond saving.”

He’s beyond saving.

A chill swept over Jiang Miaomiao’s heart.

After the call ended, she returned to the room in a daze, looking at the suffering Lu Qiming on the bed. The only thing she could do was hold his hand tightly.

“Please bite me, okay?”

She didn’t want to wait helplessly like this anymore.

Lu Qiming still didn’t open his eyes, tightly clenching his teeth, veins bulging as he fought against the active virus within.

One night passed, he had not completely turned into a zombie, but he was no longer recognizable as a human.

The whole room was filled with his smell, and even the perfume couldn’t cover it.

Jiang Rourou had a sensitive sense of smell, and she was tormented by it, hiding in the kitchen and refusing to come out.

Jiang Miaomiao ignored her own sense of smell and carried a basin of water into the room to wipe his face.

When she moved the towel, black patches covered most of his face, and his skin was severely ulcerated.

Lu Qiming’s vocal cords were also damaged, and his voice sounded like a broken gong.

“Am I particularly ugly?”

“Who said that? You’re extremely handsome, very, very handsome.”

“Am I more handsome than the one you like, Song Xiaobao?”

She burst into laughter, tears filling her eyes.

“Uh huh, you’re more handsome, more handsome than him, more handsome than anyone.”

Lu Qiming smiled, “I envy you for being able to be with someone as handsome as me.”

She choked up and couldn’t speak, lifting the basin and going out to refill it with water.

There was some movement outside the door, and Jiang Miaomiao thought Gu Changzhou had returned. She hurriedly ran out, hoping to ask for his help.

A tall figure walked in, lifting the snowsuit face mask, revealing a beautiful and heroic face.

It was a woman.

“Are you Jiang Miaomiao?”

Her voice was extremely charming, steady and clear, carrying a sense of calmness that seemed to have experienced the ups and downs of life.

Although Jiang Miaomiao had never met her before, she felt a strong sense of familiarity and nodded in response.

The woman shook hands with her and introduced herself.

“Hello, I am the Deputy Team Leader of the Fourth Rescue Team, my name is Yuan Mubing.”

Indeed, she was the original female lead.

Jiang Miaomiao thought she would be surprised, but the situation was urgent, and she had no mind for it. She asked directly, “What do you want with me?”

“I have something I’d like to talk to you about privately.”

“I don’t have time right now.”

Yuan Mubing glanced at the bedroom. “I know the situation you are facing. Maybe I can help you.”

She became nervous, “Really? You’re not lying to me?”

Yuan Mubing made a gesture of invitation. “My plane is outside, just three minutes.”

Jiang Miaomiao looked at Lu Qiming with unease.

He lay there lifelessly, clearly leaving him here wouldn’t make any difference.

The original female lead wasn’t a bad person. She had saved many people and had such strong abilities; maybe she really had a way.

Jiang Miaomiao pinched her palm hard, put on her snowsuit, and followed her to the plane for a detailed discussion.

Not long after the two left, the shelter’s gate opened again, and three tall and burly men came in.

“You stay by the door and don’t let anyone in.”

“Yes, Captain.”

After Gu Changzhou gave his instructions, he took off his snowsuit, walked into the bedroom, and stood beside the bed, looking down at the person lying on it.

Lu Qiming had once been his idol.

Steady, powerful, financially affluent, and with his own principles in dealing with people.

More than twenty years had passed, and Gu Changzhou had long surpassed the past Lu Qiming, while the latter remained unchanged, stuck in time.

“Aren’t you afraid I’ll pull you down before I die?”

Lu Qiming opened his eyes and coughed out a mouthful of black blood.

He smiled, “I came to save you.”

Lu Qiming sneered, “You don’t have that ability.”

“I don’t, but the research experts in the base do.”

Gu Changzhou turned around, picked up a box, and placed it on the bedside table, then opened it.

“Over the past year, they have been working hard to research methods to suppress the virus’s activity, and now they have made some initial progress. The vial of medicine in my hand can suppress the virus for a month with just one injection. As long as you receive the injection, you can stay with your loved one for another month.”

Lu Qiming remained expressionless.

“Even if the medicine is real, I don’t believe you would be so kind.”

“Don’t be like this. I couldn’t do anything back then either. After all, as mercenaries, we all have our own missions to fulfill, right?”

Gu Changzhou held a medicine bottle and leisurely opened a syringe, drawing out the pale blue liquid from the bottle, looking at him through the needle.

“Do you want to give it a try?”

Lu Qiming fell silent for a moment and asked, “What are the conditions?”

“Tell me the reason why you survived until now.”

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