LLASBWUH Chapter 5

Ning Yi gave the tycoon just a brief lift on the hoist before swapping their bodies back again.

Of course, the main reason was to immediately experience the luxurious new mattress she had chosen for herself.

As she lay down, Ning Yi discovered that being hoisted up was actually quite fun—like sitting on a swing, creaking gently back and forth.

Gu Cheng stood nearby, his face expressionless. “…”

Four servants worked together to carefully place the thick mattress onto the bed, then just as cautiously lowered their precious Master Gu back onto the bed from the hoist.

The servants had been surprised when the young madam requested a new mattress, but after thinking about it, they figured that since Master Gu wouldn’t be disturbed, it was a sign of how considerate his wife was!

Even Gu Le came by to watch, and he told “Ning Yi,” “Sis-in-law, you’re so good to my brother!”

Gu Cheng: “…?”

Good in what way?

A few minutes later.

Ning Yi finally lay down on the luxurious mattress she had meticulously selected.

Not only was it large and thick, but it also provided excellent support for the spine while retaining a soft and cloud-like feel. It was like lying on a plush, supportive cloud—worth every penny of the tens of thousands spent on it.

Ning Yi’s blissful contentment reached new heights!

After everyone else had tactfully left the room, Gu Cheng leaned against the headboard, his expression gloomy. “Do you like it?”

“Mm-hmm, darling. I tried it out and it’s great, but then I thought you might not get used to a new mattress right away,” Ning Yi said in a tone that suggested she was doing him a favour, “so I’ll adapt your body to it first. I don’t mind making the sacrifice.”

Gu Cheng looked down, his voice taking on a slightly playful tone. “Since Ayi picked it out, I’m willing to adjust even if it’s uncomfortable.”

Ning Yi: ? Oh, so now you’re copying me, huh?

Ning Yi: You won’t beat me at this.

“But my husband is the greatest man in the world. He deserves only the best, and I can’t bear to see him suffer even a little! If anyone tries to clip my husband’s wings, I’ll destroy their entire paradise! If anyone tries to—”

“…Enough,” Gu Cheng interrupted, pausing, “Just be quiet.”

Ning Yi cheerfully said, “Goodnight, love you, muah.”

With a blank expression, Gu Cheng returned to the study next to the bedroom.

It was still early in the morning, but since he was awake, he didn’t plan on going back to sleep.

Ning Yi hadn’t slept either while arranging the mattress swap. The computer was on, but there were no browsing traces. The phone screen was stuck on a game interface, with an unimpressive score.


Lazy and undisciplined, just as expected.

Gu Cheng set the phone aside and pulled the laptop closer to continue analysing the trends of a few publicly traded internet stocks, but he noticed that the web pages were loading more slowly than before.

He opened another browser, and the screen lagged for a while.

Then, with a “pop,” something appeared on the screen.

Like a shower of confetti, something started falling across the screen.

Upon closer inspection, it was all poop emojis.

Gu Cheng: “?”

Ning Yi had a wonderfully restful sleep.

Now, every day, she woke up on a mattress worth tens of thousands in a mansion sprawling over thousands of square meters, with Michelin chefs preparing gourmet meals daily—oh, this was the life!

Of course, even though she now had a black card to indulge with, she still needed to make money on her own. After all, when the tycoon woke up, he would definitely divorce her, and she might not be able to hold on to these luxuries.

So, Ning Yi began to contemplate business opportunities in this world. This brainless romance novel featured countless male characters orbiting around the female lead, Ding Ziyue. The official male lead was currently a top actor, and the culmination of the novel was the nation’s collective obsession with the pairing of the heiress and the superstar, forming the sweetest couple. Throughout all of this, the original Ning Yi was cast as the scorned comparison.

But it wasn’t hard to see—the romance novel needed an audience.

The female lead had to become “the person every girl wanted to be”!

However, in this circle of high-society heiresses, self-presentation was still done through the most primitive means—WeChat groups and Moments, a traditional mode lacking any real exposure and not flashy enough.

This won’t do ^-^

Ning Yi decided to give the romance world a grand stage.

She chose a small internet company among the ones Gu Cheng had been monitoring. It currently looked like a tiny workshop, but in this world’s logic, Gu Cheng equalled success.

Ning Yi simply gave their website a downgrade-proof optimisation.

She was always quick with coding, had a low error rate, and rarely any bugs. After all, when you’ve been in extreme conditions long enough, if you survive, you level up.

After a rapid fire session at the keyboard, Ning Yi finished her good deed without leaving a name, but she did leave an email and phone number.

That very day, she received a reply from them: [Boss! What kind of boss are you!]

Judging by the tone, it was a guy: [Boss, can we meet for a meal if you have time? Shy emoji.jpg]

Ning Yi thought, “Sure, sure,” but—

What if she accidentally switched bodies during the meal? How would she explain to her husband if he saw her dining with another man?

[We’ll see if I have time.]

[Okay, okay, Boss!]

While Ning Yi was busy with her work, her actions caused a stir in the elite circles.

The uproar stemmed from the fact that Ning Yi had replaced the mattress. Many of the Gu family’s servants had witnessed the large box being carried into the otherwise quiet and dormant wing of Gu Cheng’s mansion, and somehow, the news spread outside.

Anything involving the name “Gu Cheng” was headline news in the elite circles, sparking intense discussion.

[Could it be that Master Gu is showing signs of waking up?]

[Otherwise, why would they suddenly change the mattress? Is he able to communicate with the outside world now?]

[Holy crap!!! If Master Gu makes a comeback…]

[Ahhh, is my male god coming back?!]

[Hahaha, won’t that mean Ning Yi will be kicked out? Can’t wait to see it.]

Ning Yi had no idea that by simply wanting a more comfortable bed, she had sent shockwaves through the elite circles for an entire day.

When Ding Ziyue saw the news, she was ecstatic.

—Three years of nothing, but as soon as she went to heal Master Gu, there was a change?

This must mean that Master Gu was moved by her warmth, regaining his will to live!

Ding Ziyue promptly updated her Moments:

[Let me be your light, dispelling the darkness for you. (Picture) (Picture) (Picture) (Picture)]

A seemingly deep and affectionate caption, accompanied by four photos of herself trying on different banquet dresses. It invited speculation while casually showing off her role as the pampered female lead of a romance novel.

Ning Yi could see Ding Ziyue’s Moments, but she wasn’t friends with the other people in the elite circle, so she couldn’t see the comments. However, Ding Ziyue had previously added her to a group chat, which was buzzing with activity.

[Ziyue is so beautiful! Looking forward to the welcome banquet even more now.]

[Ziyue, who’s the caption for? (Smirk) (Smirk)]

[The last time Ziyue posted something like this was for Master Gu’s birthday, right?]

Ding Ziyue: [Don’t guess randomly, everyone.]

She would never let anyone else know what she was really up to.

“Ziyue, you can come visit today,” Gu Zhisong said over the phone, with a bit of a flattering tone. “I’ve taken care of everything—your brother’s project you mentioned last time, can you put in a good word for me?”

Ding Ziyue smiled. “Uncle Gu, don’t worry, my brother listens to me.”

“That’s great, that’s great!”

After hanging up, Gu Zhisong happened to see Ning Yi walking toward the other wing.

He had heard that Song Lan wanted to test her by having her bathe Gu Cheng, and now, he couldn’t resist mocking her. “Off to take care of Gu Cheng?”

Ning Yi politely asked, “What, do you want to do it instead?”


Ning Yi smiled sweetly and turned away.

Time to go play—no, time to take care of her husband.

Gu Cheng had daily care routines.

A team of thirty professionals meticulously cared for his prestigious body, day in and day out, ensuring he was living more finely than most healthy people.

However, now it was Ning Yi in his body.

Officially, she was “learning how to take care of her husband,” but in reality, she was just tired from coding ^_^

The family doctor had a regimen that included joint mobility exercises, strength training, and various other tasks.

Ning Yi: “Wow.”

Ning Yi: “Whoa.”

Ning Yi: “Impressive!”

Gu Cheng: “…”

Following Song Lan’s instructions, the doctor left the bathing duties to “Ning Yi,” who was standing nearby.

They were actually quite concerned.

 If anything went wrong with Master Gu’s body, no one could bear the responsibility.

Moreover, Ning Yi was technically an outsider to the Gu family, and asking her to bathe him was also part of the wife’s assessment.

The doctor, full of doubt, asked, “Madam, are you sure you can handle this?”

Gu Cheng asked Ning Yi in his mind, “Can you?”

“Hmm…” Ning Yi pouted, “Why wouldn’t I be able to?”

After the doctor left, Gu Cheng’s cold voice rang out, “Ayi, have you had enough of lying down?”

Ning Yi responded, “Darling, after experiencing your life, I feel even more sorry for you.”

Gu Cheng sneered, “Really?”

“Of course, it’s true,” Ning Yi replied, laughing.

To Gu Cheng’s slight surprise, she then cooperatively switched their bodies back and picked up the cloth for the sponge bath.

This caught Gu Cheng off guard.

Was she really going to do it without any tricks?

Ning Yi: I’m doing it ^3^

Yesterday, Gu Cheng had caught onto the body-swap timing, causing Ning Yi to miss out on the steak—a situation she now dubbed “The Filet Mignon Incident.”

Today, they had already swapped three times: once for sleep, once for breakfast, and just now for this. The cooldown period for the next swap was already in effect.

Ning Yi: You didn’t see that coming, did you?

With a determined and somewhat pained tone, she declared, “Darling, I wish I could bear all of this for you.”

She triggered the mental command.

And just like that, Gu Cheng was swapped back.

“…,” Gu Cheng stood at the bedside, his gaze darkening, “Ning Yi, you did that on purpose.”

After the fourth swap, there was a cooldown period, but the doctors had already left.

So today, he would have to handle this himself.

“Darling, after witnessing so much life and death, I’ve learned that the most important thing is that you cherish yourself even more than I cherish you!”

“Come on, darling! Cherish your body! Do it fiercely!”

Gu Cheng chuckled darkly.

“You’re something else.”

Massage and care—repeating the same steps for three years, no one was more familiar with it than Gu Cheng.

But this was the first time he truly felt his own body like this.

He thought he would hate it, resent this body for being a prison that trapped him for three years.

Or maybe he’d feel disgusted, repulsed by this bedridden, weakened state.

But it wasn’t as bad as he thought because—


“A little to the left, three centimeters.”

“You can press harder!”

“Yes, yes, that’s it.”

Gu Cheng: “…”

Ning Yi encouraged him while enjoying herself, “Darling, your technique is great. I feel like your body is getting stronger!”


Gu Cheng was silent for a long time before finally laughing in exasperation.

By the time Gu Cheng finished, it was evening, and he felt that he had finally come to terms with his own body.

Ning Yi, having received top-quality service, had finally overcome her frustration over the filet mignon.

Sensing that it was time to stop while ahead, she thoughtfully swapped their bodies back.

“Darling, you should sleep now. I promise I won’t disturb you this time.”

Gu Cheng chuckled coldly.

He closed his eyes.

After three days without sleep, he finally felt tired.

It was a relief to close his eyes and drift into a light sleep.

But then, a shadowy figure quietly slipped into the hospital room, picked up his hand.

“Your light has arrived.”

Gu Cheng opened his eyes, now filled with cold rage.

Damn it.

Get lost. **Nomad: This woman and her catch phrase…*

One response to “LLASBWUH Chapter 5”

  1. Stephanie Avatar

    Thanks for the update

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