SFTIAAB Chapter 1

In a bustling supermarket, customers stopped shopping simultaneously, amazed, as they watched a girl pushing a small cart.

She was around twenty, very beautiful, wearing blue sportswear with her long hair tied in a ponytail.

Her arms looked delicate as if they could break with a little force, but her cart was stacked higher than her head.

Biscuits, instant noodles, drinks… she basically bought all the food available in the supermarket.

The girl noticed everyone’s gaze and smiled embarrassedly.

“I have a big family, and we eat a lot, haha… sorry, can you please make way?”

People quickly made way for her as she pushed the cart towards the checkout area, where three other carts piled just as high were already parked.

Now the crowd was even more astonished.

What kind of family needs this much food all at once?

However, the girl didn’t stop there. After parking her current cart, she immediately grabbed an empty one and rushed to the shelves.

Fifty packs of instant noodles, eighty packs of biscuits, thirty bottles of drinks, sixty boxes of coffee…

Jiang Miaomiao looked at the shelves and mentally checked the quantities. She still felt it was too little.

But she couldn’t help it; she only had so much money. She had to compromise and make do with what she could afford.

After all, with her capabilities, she probably wouldn’t survive for more than three months after the zombie outbreak.

This wasn’t the real world; it was an apocalypse novel. After finishing reading this book, Jiang Miaomiao transmigrated into it, becoming a cannon fodder character with the same name.

This Jiang Miaomiao was an orphan attending university and working part-time to earn her living expenses. She had saved up around twenty to thirty thousand yuan.

In the original story, after the zombie outbreak, she escaped the city with the male and female protagonists from her school, only to be bitten by zombies on the way and caused the first conflict between the two leads.

While reading the book, Jiang Miaomiao felt sorry for this character.

Such a hardworking girl, but she didn’t survive beyond the first three chapters just because she wasn’t the protagonist.

She would have been better off finding a place to hide from the beginning, stockpiling supplies, and possibly lasting a few more months.

So, when she found herself transmigrated into this character, Jiang Miaomiao made a firm decision.

Why escape? Escaping would still lead to death.

Instead, she decided to spend all her money on good food, drinks, and fun, living her remaining time happily.

Tomorrow would be the first day of the zombie outbreak, and she needed to speed up.

Jiang Miaomiao hurriedly ran.

Two hours later, she stood in front of the only electronics market in the city, as there was something extremely important she hadn’t bought yet.

A generator.

In the apocalypse, she would still need to use her phone and computer. If there was no electricity, life would be worse than death.

April’s weather was quite cool, and Jiang Miaomiao took the bus to reach the electronics market. After getting off the bus, she quickly looked for a shop selling generators and found one.

She pointed to a machine about half a person tall in the middle of the store and asked, “Is this a generator? How much is it?”

The shop owner nodded, “Thirty thousand yuan.”

“Cough… thirty, thirty thousand?”

So expensive!

“Is it for home use or business use? We have smaller ones for home use that are much cheaper.”

“Show me the smaller ones.”

The shop owner led her to a smaller generator and patted it, saying, “Here you go, this one is only three thousand five hundred yuan.”

Three thousand five hundred was still expensive, and she didn’t have much money left. She hadn’t even stocked up on drinking water.

However, she couldn’t even imagine life without electricity, so Jiang Miaomiao gritted her teeth and said, “Can you make it cheaper? My neighbor also wants to buy one, I can recommend them to your shop.”

“How about three thousand four hundred?”

“Can you do three thousand?”

Jiang Miaomiao looked at him with pleading eyes, hoping for some discount.

After bargaining for a while, the shop owner finally agreed to her price. Jiang Miaomiao paid the deposit and asked him to deliver it to her villa tonight.

Considering the delivery time, the supermarket delivery staff should be arriving soon. She was too busy to catch her breath and immediately took a bus back home to receive the goods.

Just in time, the delivery truck arrived shortly after she got home. The delivery staff helped her unload the goods, and when the truck was empty, he asked curiously:

“Why did you buy so much stuff at once? Are you opening a grocery store?”

“My relatives from my hometown are coming to visit, and there are many children. I’m afraid there won’t be enough to eat. Haha, could you help me move everything to the basement, please?”

Jiang Miaomiao rolled up her sleeves and worked with him, sweating profusely as they finished unloading a truckload of goods and stuffed them all into the basement.

After the delivery truck left, Jiang Miaomiao lay on the sofa and took out her phone, dialing a number she had noted on the way.

“Hello, is this the SweetHeart Pure Water Company?”


“I want to order purified water.”

“Sure, how much do you need?”

“500 barrels, deliver tonight.”

2500 yuan was all the money she had left.

The other party was shocked, “So much? Uh… I’m afraid we can’t supply that much.”

“How much do you have in stock?”

“We only have 250 barrels, all filled this morning. Is that enough for you?”

That wasn’t nearly enough. Drinking, cooking, bathing, and brushing teeth all required water. She couldn’t afford to be short on it.

After the apocalypse broke out, the water treatment plant was damaged, and the city quickly lost its water supply.

Jiang Miaomiao sat cross-legged on the sofa, pondering with her hand on her chin, and asked, “Do you have any empty water barrels?”

“We don’t usually sell empty water barrels.”

Using all her persuasion skills, she chatted with him for half an hour until she finally managed to buy 300 empty water barrels at 3 yuan each, and they would be delivered tonight.

She would fill them with tap water and seal them up. When the purified water ran out, she could use the tap water.

Though not clean, it was still better than having nothing.

Furthermore, she bought a stove and fuel to boil water.

Finally able to relax a bit, Jiang Miaomiao lay on the sofa, taking a rest and calculating what else she hadn’t bought yet.

There were actually many things she still needed.

After the disaster broke out, human hearts turned treacherous. It would be best if she had firearms and ammunition to protect herself.

The generator might break down, so it would be better to have a backup.

The post-apocalyptic climate was harsh, making people prone to illnesses, so she should store enough medicine.

One could never have too many supplies. However, she only had so little money, so she could only focus on buying food for now.

But, in any case, she didn’t plan to live for too long. Whenever she couldn’t hold on any longer, that would be it. Human life was short, ranging from a few decades to a hundred years; there wasn’t much of a difference.

As night fell, the generator and purified water were delivered.

Jiang Miaomiao asked the shop owner to teach her how to use the generator. She found out that it needed diesel to operate, so she bought several large barrels of diesel at a nearby gas station.

The basement was already filled, so she cleaned up the living room. She pushed the sofa and coffee table together, lined up the water barrels against the wall, occupying half of the living room.

With everything done, it was already late at night.

Jiang Miaomiao ordered a rich barbecue for herself, costing over 300 yuan, as it might be the last time she could enjoy such a luxury after today.

As she ate the barbecue, she opened an app on her phone and logged into her live streaming account.

Since she transmigrated into the book three days ago, she had registered this account to livestream her progress in purchasing post-apocalypse supplies.

She didn’t plan to escape, but what if someone else wanted to? If her videos could influence others and make them prepare in advance, it would be considered a good deed.

However, the current world was peaceful, so her sudden appearance attracted some attention, but most people laughed at her, thinking she was crazy.

As soon as she opened the live stream, people who were eagerly waiting for a show started commenting.

“Has this crazy person come again? Hahaha.”

“This girl is so funny. What’s the point of preparing all this junk? You should read more post-apocalyptic novels.”

“I have guns at home while you have food, your home is my food storage! Sister, you don’t have guns or knives; you should prepare at least two.”

“Could it be that she discovered a special space or has superpowers? Hahaha.”

“Women are women; they lack any big picture thinking.”

Jiang Miaomiao shrugged and didn’t bother with them. After all, she wasn’t making the video for them.

Taking out her shopping list, she read each item out loud.

Her luck was good tonight, and the number of viewers suddenly surpassed 200,000.

As more people joined, some started supporting her or found her stream interesting, sending her some tips.

By the time the live stream was about to end, she estimated that she had earned almost a thousand yuan, which meant she could buy many more things.

Looking at the screen, Jiang Miaomiao sincerely said, “Tomorrow is the apocalypse. I wish all of you dads can be with your family and friends, escape successfully, and live a healthy and smooth life. This live stream ends here. Goodbye.”

She couldn’t finish eating one-third of the barbecue, so Jiang Miaomiao put it in the fridge and walked to the window.

The window was fitted with anti-theft bars, specially selected when she rented the house, hoping that it could buy her some time when facing zombies.

The night was deep, and the distant sky was still crimson, probably the direction of the city center.

If she remembered correctly, the first wave of zombies in the original text broke out there, and in less than three days, the entire city turned into a human hell.

Perhaps due to nervousness, Jiang Miaomiao couldn’t sleep all night and watched the dawn with her eyes open.

At ten in the morning, people were living as usual when suddenly a small video appeared on a video platform.

“A man on Haoshan Road was biting passersby, suspected of a rabies outbreak!”

The video was extremely bloody, and within half an hour, it attracted a great deal of attention.

As people were still discussing whether it was rabies or not, the second video came out.

Then came the third, the fourth…

At eleven o’clock, the city center was out of control, and people began to flee.

The villa area was also affected, and many people ran back home to hide, causing a rush at supermarkets along the way.

Food, water, medicine, and other supplies were snatched away.

Numerous videos spread widely, and some people speculated that it should be a new type of infection.

Jiang Miaomiao didn’t leave her home all day, sitting by the window watching the situation, and ate up yesterday’s barbecue.

That night, many vicious attacks occurred, causing tens of thousands of casualties.

The government sent troops to suppress it but also encountered infections. They had to use the remaining personnel to organize citizens to retreat to safe cities.

The army opened the way, and the citizens followed in their private cars.

When the convoy passed the villa area, the neighbor knocked on the door kindly, asking if she needed a ride in their car.

Following the original text’s plot, safety was only temporary. In a little over a month, major cities around the world would fall, and survivors would have to wander in areas like primitive forests, deserts, and even the ocean.

The hardships and dangers encountered during that period were beyond description. Compared to that, she would rather stay here with enough food and drink.

Jiang Miaomiao handed them some food and medicine bottles, “Thank you, but I won’t leave. I wish you a safe journey.”

The neighbor was surprised, “Are you sure?”

She nodded, watched the neighbor leave, then closed and locked the door. She moved the sofa, table, and everything movable to block the entrance.

Finally, she went upstairs to her bedroom, locked the door, turned on her computer, and started playing games. Because it was too noisy outside and affecting the gaming experience, she put on headphones.

2 responses to “SFTIAAB Chapter 1”

  1.  Avatar

    Thank you for translating

    1. Nomad Avatar

      You’re welcome! 🙂

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