SFTIAAB Chapter 3

When she was awoken, it was already early morning, and the man had taken a shower until daybreak.

Jiang Miaomiao decided to ignore him and went to the living room to think about what to eat for breakfast. He came down, wrapped in a large towel, and tied the soft white fabric around his lean and sturdy waist.

Apart from that, he wore nothing, bare-chested and barefoot.

Jiang Miaomiao almost spurted a nosebleed.

“Where are your clothes?” she asked.

The man didn’t say anything but walked up to her and pulled the towel open.

My goodness, so well-endowed!

She covered her eyes, thinking about screaming, but she was afraid it might attract zombies. Instead, she let out a series of whimpers while tensing up all over.

What should she do? Is she about to be violated?!

But after a while, he didn’t touch her at all. Curiously, she opened her eyes, and the man was nonchalantly twirling in front of her, striking various playful poses. He raised his arms high at one moment and spread his legs at another.

“What are you doing?” Jiang Miaomiao asked.

“I don’t have any wounds on my body, so you don’t have to worry about me turning into a zombie.”

So that’s what it’s about… She breathed a sigh of relief and slumped into the chair.

“That’s great. I thought…”

“Thought what?”

He retied the towel calmly and asked indifferently.

Jiang Miaomiao blushed, “Nothing, but the towel is what I use to take a shower.”

“It’s too dirty, so I threw it away.”

He answered casually and then asked, “Are there any men’s clothes here?”

She instinctively shook her head, “No.”

As soon as she said it, she regretted it, realizing that she had exposed herself.

The man heard a sneer and was clearly mocking her earlier lie.

If there were men in the house, how could there be no men’s clothes?

Jiang Miaomiao covered her forehead and cursed herself as a fool. But soon, she decided to let herself off the hook and asked a crucial question.

“When are you leaving?”


“This is my house. You don’t plan to stay here indefinitely, do you?”

The man spread his hands, “You can open the door now and kick me out.”


Is he playing dumb? The outside is full of zombies. If she opens the door, won’t they rush in?

But upon careful thought, it seemed that there was indeed no other way out. The windows were fitted with anti-theft bars, and the ventilation duct was blocked. She should have sealed that hole in the room when he climbed out, preventing him from coming back.

The man said, “Since you don’t plan to kick me out, find me some clothes then.”

Jiang Miaomiao helplessly went back to the bedroom and rummaged through the wardrobe.

She didn’t bring many clothes, only three or four sets. Since she didn’t plan to go out after the apocalypse and didn’t care about appearances when she died, all the clothes she brought were comfortable sleepwear.

She had been living for over a month without wearing a bra, feeling quite at ease. However, none of these clothes were suitable for the man to wear.

Jiang Miaomiao looked at the set of short-sleeved, strawberry-print, pink sleepwear in the corner of the closet, and an evil idea popped into her mind.

Two minutes later, she went downstairs and handed the clothes to him.

“Here, it’s the only extra clothing I have. Take it.”

The man let out a chuckle, “Are you teasing me?”

She crossed her arms and glared, “It’s good enough that there’s something to wear. Stop being picky. Don’t you realize what time it is? Do you think you’re the president or something?”

The man took a deep breath, pulled off the towel, and emotionlessly put on the clothes.

He didn’t wear a shirt because his broad shoulders couldn’t fit into the small piece of clothing. He only put on shorts.

His waist was narrow enough to fit, but the size was still too small for him, making him look like a little chubby boy.

The shorts tightly wrapped around his buttocks, showcasing his long legs, broad shoulders, and sexy abdominal muscles.

Jiang Miaomiao suddenly realized that she was torturing herself.

The man folded the towel neatly and handed it back to her, saying, “Because the weather is getting warmer, there will be a large wave of zombies coming south next month, passing through this city. I have to wait until they leave before I leave.”

Jiang Miaomiao was surprised, “So you plan to stay here for at least a month?”


“No way!”

All the supplies she gathered were for herself, and she never thought about sharing them with others.

The man raised an eyebrow, “Do you think you can survive the attack of that wave of zombies without me?”

“If I can’t survive, then I can’t. So what?” Jiang Miaomiao gritted her teeth, “If I really get bitten by a zombie and turn into one, I’ll eat you first!”

He snorted lightly, unimpressed.

With her small build, even if she became a zombie, an upgraded version of a super zombie, she still wouldn’t be his match.

Jiang Miaomiao rolled her eyes and decided to ignore him, continuing with her own little life.

She got up and walked toward the basement, saying, “You can stay as a guest, but don’t touch my things.”

Of course, if he tried to force himself on her, she couldn’t do anything about it.

By that time… forget it, she didn’t want to think about it so much. In any case, death was inevitable.

Jiang Miaomiao retrieved a bucket of sour cabbage beef noodles, boiled water, and made it for herself as breakfast.

As she slurped on the noodles, the man stared at her intently, but she pretended not to notice.

“This house isn’t yours, and you must have moved in not long ago.”

“There are no cosmetics in the room, no shower gel in the bathroom, yet you have stored so much food and water. You probably moved in here around the time of the zombie outbreak.”

“You don’t have any family; otherwise, even if your relationship was bad, you would have gone to find them in such times. At least you would have tried. Instead, you hid alone. You don’t have any friends or lovers, and your loner personality indicates that you didn’t grow up in a good environment. It might be emotional or material reasons.”

He grabbed her hand and pinched it.

“Your arms are thin but muscular, not the kind of muscles you get from the gym. You probably used to lift heavy objects, maybe worked as a waitress?”

“At the first joint of your right middle finger, there’s an old callus, slightly deformed. You must have done a lot of writing for a long time, so it’s part-time studying and working, right?”

He touched his chin, his dark eyes gleaming.

“A young female college student with no family, introverted personality, and poor economic conditions, just happened to stockpile so much supplies before the zombie outbreak. What do you say…”

Jiang Miaomiao’s scalp tingled, and she turned back and scolded, “What are you trying to do?”

He put away his mysterious demeanor and answered honestly, “I’m hungry.”

She twitched her mouth and pointed to the basement.

“Third row, fourth box, get it yourself!”

The man brought a bucket of instant noodles, used the remaining hot water to cook them, and inhaled them with a gust of wind. He finished three buckets in a row before stopping.

“I haven’t eaten in three days.”

He probably felt a bit embarrassed and tried to explain this situation.

Jiang Miaomiao responded with an “Oh,” and said, “I thought you’d never eaten before, like a starving ghost.”

“I’m tired.”

After finishing the last bowl of soup, the man wiped his mouth with a tissue and went into the bedroom, lying down and falling asleep immediately.

Jiang Miaomiao passed by him while taking out the trash.

Jiang Miaomiao passed by him while sweeping the floor.

Jiang Miaomiao passed by him while jumping rope.

He slept soundly the whole time, not even changing his posture.

Really, he was like a pig.

Don’t change your daily routine for some inexplicable person.

She thought like this and spread out paper and pen in the living room to continue practicing calligraphy.

After copying two pages of “Pig Rearing Guide,” it was noon. Jiang Miaomiao washed rice and started cooking. She opened a can of braised pork, cut a few slices off a ham, and paired them with rehydrated dehydrated vegetables, planning to treat herself to a “feast.”

As soon as the meat hit the pan, the man smelled it.

“Make an extra portion.”

“Call me ‘dad’.” She said casually.

Immediately, he called, “Dad.”

Jiang Miaomiao: Shameless scoundrel!

“Do I have my share now?” the man asked.

“Don’t be in the way, stay on the side.”

Jiang Miaomiao kicked him out of the kitchen, closed the door, but added two more scoops of white rice to the pot.

Fragrant white rice was more precious than gold in a world infested with zombies.

The man went to the living room and sat on a chair, looking at her “Pig Rearing Guide.” Ten minutes later, the fragrant fried rice was ready.

Jiang Miaomiao brought out two plates of food and wanted to ask him to give up the chair, but she didn’t know his name, so she just fed him a portion.

“Move aside.”

The man didn’t resist, he gave her the chair, and he sat cross-legged on the wooden floor.

“I’m called Lu Qiming.”

Lu Qiming… she hadn’t seen this name in the book. Could it be another cannon fodder character?

Jiang Miaomiao curiously stared at him for a few moments, unintentionally glanced at his waist, and quickly averted her eyes.

“Before, I was with my friends, but we got separated by accident. I’ll go find them after the zombie wave has passed.”


“Thanks for the meal.”

Lu Qiming finished the food quickly, and with a satisfied look, he pushed the empty plate towards her.

“One more bowl.”

Jiang Miaomiao was speechless, “No, if you want more, cook it yourself.”

Soon, she regretted saying that.

To cook, she needed ingredients, and many of them were in the basement. Lu Qiming took a flashlight and searched inside, discovering her treasure trove.

Snail rice noodles, turkey noodles, self-heating mini hot pot, egg yolk pastry, pork jerky… Jiang Miaomiao wasn’t afraid of dying quickly, but she feared not having a good last meal. She had stocked up dozens of her favorite snacks to slowly enjoy. Who knew he would finish one-third of it in the afternoon?

Looking at the empty packaging on the coffee table, her heart was bleeding. She stood up to resist, slamming a paper agreement in front of him.

“Sign it!”

With half a piece of pork jerky in his mouth, Lu Qiming raised his head and asked, “What’s this?”

“It’s a roommate agreement. You must fulfill the requirements written on it to stay here.”

He read it carefully.

First, due to limited supplies that cannot be replenished, Party B must control their food intake. They should not consume more than 500 grams of food per day or use more than half a bucket of water.

Second, due to limited space, Party B must respect Party A’s privacy and not enter her bedroom or bathroom without permission. The living room is a shared space, but furniture such as coffee tables, TV cabinets, chairs, and bookshelves are all Party A’s private property. Party B can only temporarily use them when Party A is not using them.

Third, Party A is only accommodating Party B and is not responsible for taking care of them. Since Party A provides all the food and water that Party B consumes daily, Party B must undertake all household chores and heavy physical labor in the villa, such as sweeping, wiping tables, taking out the trash, and moving furniture. They must do so proactively without needing to be prompted by Party A.

Fourth, due to the special circumstances of the apocalypse, Party A has physical limitations and cannot fight with zombies when they enter the villa. Party B should take on the responsibility of protecting Party A and driving the zombies out of the villa.

Fifth, if food and water run out, Party B must voluntarily give up their right to use them and leave the villa.

Sixth… Seventh…

The regulations were numerous, but they could be summed up in one sentence: eat less, work more, and risk your life when danger arises.

Lu Qiming held the agreement and raised an eyebrow.

“Don’t you think this is exploiting me?”

Jiang Miaomiao shrugged, “You can just leave if you don’t like it. Then I won’t exploit you.”

He smiled, shook his head, and signed his name in the blank space after the words “Party B.”

Jiang Miaomiao’s mood improved.

After all, she had plenty of supplies, so giving some to him wasn’t a big deal. As long as he really followed the agreement, she would treat him as a well-behaved big dog, and he could also keep her company and pass the time with her.

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