PACFPE Chapter 1

S City First High School, Class One of Grade Three.

There was a hint of confusion in Ruan Ning’s eyes as her gaze fell on the blackboard, but her mind was elsewhere.


Is this really happening?!

Just a moment ago, Ruan Ning was preparing to go to bed at home. The next moment, she suddenly appeared in this classroom, with some memories in her mind that didn’t belong to her.

From these memories, she knew that she was in a post-apocalyptic novel where the male protagonist was reborn. Due to an unknown virus outbreak, humanity was plunged into unprecedented panic. Some people infected by the virus turned into inhuman monsters, commonly known as zombies.

Zombies had no pain sensation, fed on human flesh, and anyone bitten by them, breaking the skin, had a high chance of turning into a zombie as well. Therefore, within less than a week into the apocalypse, the human population on Earth was halved.

But fortunately, where there’s a will, there’s a way. Since there were zombies, there were also individuals with special abilities, giving some humans the power to resist.

The male protagonist, Gu Yicheng, possessed a powerful lightning ability even before his rebirth, and after rebirth, he gained a spatial ability as well, which was somewhat different from others. Initially, the male protagonist’s space could contain at least as much supplies as a small to medium-sized supermarket.

The outbreak of the apocalypse happened at exactly three thirty in the afternoon, which was the time for the next physical education class. Not a minute more, not a minute less.

Ruan Ning suddenly stood up from her seat, causing the chair to make a sharp noise as it moved.

The teacher at the podium looked over and asked, “Ruan Ning, what’s wrong?” Because Ruan Ning had good grades and was one of her favourite students, the teacher wasn’t angry, just curious as to why she had stood up.

Although Ruan Ning was in a panic, she quickly said, “Teacher, I’m feeling unwell. Can I please go to the infirmary for a while?”

Remembering Ruan Ning’s past performance, the teacher, seeing her pale face now, didn’t think she was faking illness to skip class like some students might. So, the teacher agreed, with a hint of concern in her tone, “Go ahead. If you’re really not feeling well, you can go home early today. I’ll write you a leave slip.”

“Thank you, teacher.” Ruan Ning actually wanted to take her backpack with her for convenience, but considering her excuse just now, she gave up on that idea.

After leaving the classroom, Ruan Ning didn’t go to the infirmary but instead hurried to the school gate.

Time waits for no one, and Ruan Ning, who had received memories, didn’t even have time to ponder why she was here. What she needed to do now, before the apocalypse broke out, was prepare some essential supplies and then settle down in a relatively safe place.

As for the rest, she didn’t have the time to think about it now.

It was currently two thirty in the afternoon.

There was one hour left until the apocalypse broke out.

There was a lot to do, and she needed to make the most of her time.

Ruan Ning took advantage of the security guard’s inattention and slipped out of the school gate. She first went to a supermarket, not one of those large malls, for two reasons: she feared the long queues at the checkout might delay her, and she wanted to avoid being trapped in a crowded place if the apocalypse broke out prematurely. So, she deliberately chose a smaller supermarket on her way. The items inside were still quite comprehensive, enough for her to buy what she needed.

The original owner of her body had a house near the school. Apart from weekends spent at a villa in the suburbs, she usually stayed there alone, eating in the school cafeteria or having a maid come over in advance to cook for her.

The security measures in this neighbourhood were excellent, and there weren’t many people during the day. If she remembered correctly, there was even a backup generator in the neighbourhood. Even if chaos erupted in S City, with water and power outages, it could still guarantee power for some time. It was the best option Ruan Ning could think of right now.

This time, in order to stock up on more food, Ruan Ning bought two large bags full of groceries, all food items. She also bought a sturdy backpack and a baseball cap. Making the most of everything, she also packed some items into the backpack.

True to her name, Ruan Ning was a delicate and gentle girl in the real world, usually not even bothering to twist open bottle caps herself. However, as it turned out, human potential was limitless. In times of crisis, all delicate habits vanished.

Most of what she bought was filling, high-calorie food—various biscuits, instant noodles, candies, chocolates, bread, she grabbed a lot of everything. Of course, she didn’t forget to buy some long-lasting canned meats for herself, as well as milk, jam, and similar items. Even in the apocalypse, why not enjoy some good food to improve her quality of life?

Fortunately, Ruan Ning had read so many post-apocalyptic novels before, so she didn’t need to think too much. She quickly selected all the items she needed within ten minutes.

The cashier at the supermarket, apart from giving Ruan Ning’s beautiful face a second glance, didn’t pay much attention to what she was buying. After all, the items Ruan Ning picked up were mostly snacks in the eyes of others. Nowadays, young girls loved to eat these things, nothing worth fussing over.

After checking out, Ruan Ning left the supermarket, and it was almost three o’clock.

She roughly calculated that she could arrive home by about three fifteen if she went through the main gate of the neighbourhood at her current speed.

Moreover, there was a small supermarket on the east side of the neighbourhood. If she had time, she could go downstairs again to buy more. A round trip, if she hurried a bit, would only take about ten minutes.

The neighbourhood where the original owner lived was a medium to high-end one. People who lived here usually didn’t have much free time during weekdays, and since they were unfamiliar with each other, they wouldn’t meddle in each other’s affairs. Ruan Ning could rest assured that the likelihood of her stocking up on supplies being discovered was very low.

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