PACFPE Chapter 9

Ruan Ning had always felt that her appearance was excessively beautiful, like a bright light bulb in the darkness of the apocalypse. Who else would others set their sights on if not her?!

And now, it was getting more and more dazzling. In just one night, her skin had become so delicate that even a slight touch would make it turn red.

Unless she destroyed her appearance, there was no way out for her, and this kind of life would be unbearable.

But who could bear to ruin such a beautiful face?

The crucial point was that this face was hers. Ruan Ning couldn’t bear to do it. She wasn’t a masochist. It wasn’t her fault she looked good. Why should she hurt herself to compromise?

Ruan Ning stared at herself in the mirror for a long time, unable to help but sigh again. If only she could casually transmigrate into another novel with a different theme. Even just relying on her appearance might have allowed her to thrive.

Why did she have to end up in this apocalypse?!

After this ordeal, Ruan Ning lost the mood for her morning run. She just cooked an egg in the kitchen and made herself a cup of instant milk for breakfast.

The sound insulation in the apartment was good. Ruan Ning hadn’t heard any major commotion around her from yesterday afternoon until this morning.

At this time, the surviving people in the community should be staying in their homes obediently. After all, after a night of fear and anxiety, there probably wouldn’t be many people eager to venture out. At least not for the next few days.

But Ruan Ning didn’t have the energy to care about other people’s affairs now. She couldn’t even figure out her own way out.

No one to rely on, the male lead ignored her, and the male lead’s father was too far away to help. Meanwhile, she was burdened with this criminally enticing face.

Since the apocalypse began, she hadn’t encountered a single pleasant thing.

Just when Ruan Ning thought her life would continue to be directionless, Lady Luck finally smiled upon her at noon today when she opened the fridge.

The catalyst was Ruan Ning’s desire to make herself a delicious lunch, to comfort her fragile and helpless soul. Just as she had this thought, the jar of caviar she had set her eyes on, placed in the deepest part of the refrigerator, disappeared without a trace.


Ruan Ning immediately thought of this possibility. Suddenly, half of the anguish and entanglement she had felt from this morning’s events dissipated.

If she had a space, her chances of surviving in the apocalypse would greatly increase. Although she couldn’t change her beautiful face, stocking up on supplies from the supermarket and finding a deserted mountain village to hide out for three to five years, living a peaceful life away from the chaos, seemed like a good goal.

However, Ruan Ning didn’t know how big the space was, so she began tirelessly experimenting in the apartment.

As for the results…

Ruan Ning was a bit unsure how to describe her complex feelings right now.

The space didn’t seem small, considering that her living room sofa set and the dining table were all stored inside. However, there was one catch: her space seemed to be very picky.

Expensive items could be stored inside, but cheap ones wouldn’t even elicit a response. Instant noodles worth a few dollars and canned goods worth tens of dollars didn’t receive any reaction, while a small jar of caviar worth tens of thousands of dollars and an expensive sofa worth hundreds of thousands of dollars were readily accepted, and the space absorbed them quickly.

As the owner of the space, Ruan Ning didn’t know what to say about this.

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