SFTIAAB Chapter 42

The principle of the toxin is to stimulate the mutated cells inside the zombies, accelerating the decay process and rendering them immobilized.

This idea sounds promising, but the development speed of the drug cannot keep up with the mutation speed of the zombies.

When this batch of products was tested, it only killed a small number of the weakest zombies. The others became even more aggressive, stronger, and some even exhibited signs of increased intelligence.

Their behavior changed from mindless attacks on humans to organized and planned hunting.

The fact that this city was chosen as a test site indicated that the zombie population was indeed not very high. However, once all of them were infected, the threat they posed would be even greater than a densely populated group of zombies before the flood.

Attempting to deceive them with low-level methods like wearing protective suits or smearing zombie blood on oneself seemed implausible.

In the original text, the distribution plan was carried out in three phases, and it had been over a month since she first saw the airplane. She didn’t know if it had been completed by now.

In any case, they couldn’t take any more risks.

Lu Qiming was lying on the bed, still waiting for her answer.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Miaomiao said, “I know what that plane was doing that day.”


“I saw something being sprayed down from the plane. At the time, I thought it was water, until I saw those two zombies yesterday… I guess it might be some kind of poison, to kill the zombies.”

Lu Qiming put down his phone and sat up.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah!” Jiang Miaomiao said, “The stuff they sprayed must be toxic. We often go out, and we might get poisoned if we’re not careful. So, let’s not go out for now and let the toxins disperse.”

He couldn’t help but chuckle, “Are you sure you’re not making up a story?”

She furrowed her brows tightly.

“I’m serious, don’t laugh, okay?”

“Okay, if you say we won’t go out, then we won’t. But… I have one more question to ask you.”

“What question?”

Suddenly, he reached out, grabbed her shoulder, and raised an eyebrow, “Do you love me or not?”

Outside, the rain was pouring, and inside, the room was cool and quiet.

In the morning, Jiang Miaomiao found a bottle of Hermes’ “Nile Garden” perfume in the warehouse and sprayed it twice in the room. Now, the air was filled with the refreshing and elegant scent of water lilies.

He had his back to the window, wearing an oversized white T-shirt. His long and thick eyelashes framed his clear and deep eyes, reflecting her face.

Jiang Miaomiao’s answer was undoubtedly obvious, but being stared at by such eyes, she suddenly felt shy and turned her face away, trying to avoid him.

“Why are you asking such a random question? Are you crazy?”

Lu Qiming also moved, bringing his face close to hers.

“I just want to know, so answer quickly.”

“I’m not saying.”

“Come on, tell me, I want to hear it.”

“This is so annoying, move aside, I want to get some water.”

Her face was red, and she wanted to get off the bed.

Suddenly, Lu Qiming got up, pressed her against the pillow, firmly restraining her with his arms. His face was very close, as if he would kiss her in the next second.

“Say it quickly, or I won’t let you go.”

The more she was forced, the less willing she was to tell the truth. She struggled to lift her chin.

“You go first.”

“Me? What should I say?”

“Say if you love me or not.”

Lu Qiming chuckled lightly, “Do I even need to say it? Of course, I love you.”

“Love what about me?”

He thought seriously for a moment, “I love your thinning hair, your almost concave chest, and my ribs that ache every time you lean on me.”

“…Go to hell!”

Jiang Miaomiao waited expectantly for a response but ended up with this kind of answer. She got angry and kicked him away, preparing to get off the bed.

He came from behind and hugged her, his broad chest against her back, and whispered the true answer in her ear.

“I love everything about you.”

She’s not outstanding, not powerful, not stunning.

Just an ordinary person, as ordinary as it gets.

But he liked her this way.

Her anger dissipated, and she felt satisfied. She patted his face and said, “Alright, you still know how to talk.”

“Now, it’s your turn. Hurry up and say it.”

Lu Qiming sat in front of her, eagerly listening.

She smiled cunningly, “Say what? I forgot. I’m so sleepy, going to bed first.”

Jiang Miaomiao crawled into the blanket and closed her eyes happily.

Lu Qiming was speechless for a while. He pounced on her, lifted the blanket, and spent more than half an hour finally getting the answer he wanted.

Both of them were exhausted, cuddling together, and slowly sinking into sleep.

In the evening, after the rain had cleared, the streets were washed clean, shining like mirrors, reflecting beautiful twilight colors.

An airplane flew in from a distance, flying so low that it almost collided with the top floor of the building.

The cabin opened a door and released a huge white mist, quickly blending into the air.

A zombie was wandering in a small alley when it suddenly stopped and looked up at the sky.

It stared for several minutes, then howled, and in the distance, there were intermittent responses.

The zombie bent over and crawled into a dark doorway, disappearing without a trace.

It was Jiang Miaomiao’s turn to make dinner again. She stretched lazily and came to the shelf, worrying about what to eat for the night.

Although the supplies looked plentiful, the variety was limited, and they ended up eating the same few things every day, which made it tasteless and devoid of anticipation.

It was so much better before. Although they didn’t have much money, there were convenience stores just outside, where they had chicken rice, fried noodles, and various snacks.

A bit further, there were supermarkets with unlimited supplies of braised duck, roasted chicken, and pork knuckles every day.

If they were willing to take a few stops on the bus, they could go to the food street.

There was snail noodles, spicy hot pot, barbecue, sushi, hamburgers, hand-held pancakes, everything they wanted to eat.

Unlike now, sigh.

Jiang Miaomiao sighed, her gaze falling on a bag of flour. She hesitated whether to ask Lu Qiming for help and have him make his honey pancakes.

On the flour bag, it said: Low-gluten wheat flour, suitable for making cakes, steamed buns, pastries, etc.

Cake… It’s almost October, not far from her birthday.

In previous years, on October 15th, she would buy a big cake and invite friends to have a feast to celebrate her birthday.

This year, there was no chance.

The phone had shut down several times, and when it turned on, there was no network, and the displayed time was already wrong.

They could only estimate the approximate month but couldn’t determine the exact date.

Her watch could only show the time, not the date, so she couldn’t figure out the exact day of her birthday.

Even if she did figure it out, there was no place to buy a cake or have a big meal.

Jiang Miaomiao was very regretful and unwilling to give up like this.

Looking at the dozens of bags of flour in front of her and thinking about the several unopened new ovens in the supermarket, she decided to try making a birthday cake for herself.

A cake made by her hands might not taste as good, but it would be more meaningful than buying one from a cake shop.

She decided to use today’s dinner to practice.

She heaved a bag of flour and a small oven upstairs, and then went downstairs to find other ingredients.

No eggs, skip it.

No cream, skip it.

No butter, skip it.

The only things she could find were chocolate, jam, and white sugar.

No milk either, but she could use powdered milk as a substitute.

She packed these things in a box, and then found a mixer, a strainer, bowls, plates, and spoons, and brought everything to the kitchen in the upstairs suite to start working.

Lu Qiming woke up from a nap and found that there was no one beside him. He guessed that she must be cooking, so he took out his Kindle and continued reading “Journey to the West.”

He checked the time and saw that it was already past seven in the evening, and she hadn’t called him for dinner yet.

He rubbed his protesting stomach and went to check.

There was no one in the living room, and the kitchen door was half-closed, with a long-lost fragrance wafting out.

Lu Qiming walked over, pushed open the door, and saw Jiang Miaomiao waiting in front of the oven. She turned around when she heard the door and said:

“Are you hungry? It will be ready in a few minutes.”

“What are you doing?”

“Nothing, just fooling around.”

He bent down, looked through the transparent oven door, and recognized the shape of the food inside at a glance.

“Isn’t this a cake? Whose birthday is it for?”

Jiang Miaomiao shook her head, “No one, with the situation like this, who would celebrate a birthday? I’m just doing it for fun.”

“Really?” Lu Qiming looked skeptical.

She nodded vigorously and pushed him outside.

“Don’t get in the way here, go out, go out.”

Lu Qiming had no choice but to leave the kitchen. Jiang Miaomiao closed the door and looked at her watch, feeling annoyed.

She had only set it for twenty minutes, why hadn’t it finished yet? Could there be a problem with the oven?

Just then, there was a ‘ding’ sound, and the oven stopped.

She hurriedly went to take out the cake but forgot to wear gloves. Her hand touched the hot oven wall, and she screamed in pain, quickly pulling it back.

Lu Qiming’s voice came from outside the door.

“What’s wrong? Need any help?”

“No, it’s nothing, just a minor thing, it will be fine soon.”

Jiang Miaomiao rinsed her hand with cold water, ignoring the redness from the burn, and picked up a spoon to spread jam on the cake.

The cake was too warm, and the jam and chocolate melted as soon as she applied them.

She wanted it to look nice, but the result was starting to resemble some kind of excrement.

Oh well, let’s add some decorations.

There were marshmallows, gummy candies, soft candies, and jellies at hand.

She put all the available ones on, covering the surface of the cake. Then she changed to a beautiful ceramic plate and carried it in her hand out of the kitchen.

Lu Qiming had already set up the bowls and chopsticks, sitting at the table waiting.

After looking for a while, he put down the spoon and lifted his head slightly.

“If you have any grievances against me, you can just say it directly. There’s no need to go to such lengths to torture me.”

“…If you don’t want it, forget it. I’ll eat with Jiang Rou Rou.”

Jiang Miaomiao called her loyal dog and cut a piece for it, putting it in its bowl.

Jiang Rou Rou sniffed excitedly but then… took three steps back.

Lu Qiming shrugged, “See, even the dog doesn’t want to eat it.”

“You guys have no taste!”

Jiang Miaomiao gave up on herself and ate heartily.

She had put too much sugar, and she felt a bit nauseated, as if she might have a cerebral hemorrhage at any moment.

Lu Qiming frowned and watched for a while before thoughtfully pouring her a glass of water.

“If you can’t eat it, just stop. It’s not something good anyway. If you really want to eat cake, I can make it for you.”

She suddenly looked up, struggling to swallow the dry dough in her mouth.


“Once during a vacation, my landlord was a pastry chef and taught me all her secrets.”

Jiang Miaomiao didn’t believe it, “Why would she teach you?”

“Who knows? Probably thought I looked handsome.”

Lu Qiming asked, “Do you really want to eat it?”

She nodded vigorously, and Lu Qiming smiled slightly, standing up and spreading his arms.

Jiang Miaomiao was bewildered, and he rolled his eyes.

“Such a short-sighted person, put on an apron for me.”

This man…

For the birthday cake, she endured it!

Lu Qiming walked into the kitchen, and Jiang Miaomiao ran in and out to assist him.

She initially thought he was just bragging, but after watching for a while, she found that it was actually quite authentic. At least the cake base he made looked much better than hers.

“Just made it can’t be spread with jam, let it cool down.”

Lu Qiming put the cake base in the fridge and returned to the living room to wait.

With nothing else to do, Jiang Miaomiao opened the drawer of the coffee table and found a set of tarot cards.

She opened them and played around with them. The patterns on the cards looked beautiful, but she couldn’t understand them at all.

Lu Qiming was smoking again, and she glanced at him, getting mischievous ideas. She snatched away the cigarette he was smoking and waved the tarot cards.

“Old Lu, want me to tell your fate in love?”

Lu Qiming understood her at a glance. “My fate in love is you, what else is there to calculate? Give the cigarette back.”

“Umm… for now, but who knows in the future.”

He lowered his voice, “Are you thinking of liking someone else? I won’t give you the chance.”

“Who said it was me? Maybe you’ll change your mind first. Come on, I’ll tell your fortune, and I won’t charge you.”

Since they were idle anyway, Lu Qiming patted the ash off his pants and sat up straight.

Jiang Miaomiao imitated the characters on TV and washed the cards, placing them in front of him.

“State your question and draw six cards.”

He frowned, “Do I have to state it out loud? Can’t I just think it silently?”

“No, you must say it out loud. The tarot cards won’t be accurate otherwise.”

It was all a bit chaotic, and there were quite a lot of rules.

He thought for a moment, closed his eyes, and said, “How can I stay with her forever?”

Jiang Miaomiao was secretly pleased and watched as he drew six cards.

She put the other cards aside and flipped over the six one by one.

Lu Qiming seemed quite expectant, “So, how is it?”

Jiang Miaomiao employed her extraordinary imagination to interpret for him.

“See, this first card is called… the Queen, that’s right. The meaning of this card is that you should treat her like a queen, obey all her commands, and absolutely not do anything that disobeys her.”

Lu Qiming: “…Then why is there also a King? Does she have to treat me like a King?”

“Of course not. The meaning of the King is that you should have wealth and power like a King, so you can give her happiness.”

“…And what does this Hanged Man mean? Is it about her being hanged or me being hanged?”

“Neither. The Hanged Man means… it means…”

She couldn’t come up with something on the spot and got anxious, grabbing her hair in frustration.

“It means that in the future, if you both encounter danger, you must bravely face it and protect her safety with your own life.”

Lu Qiming propped his chin with one hand and nodded thoughtfully.

“Alright, what about the fourth card?”

“The fourth card is Death, which means that death will not separate you. The fifth card is the Devil, indicating that your relationship still has uncertainties, and you must always care for her. The sixth card is the Sun, which means that as long as you strictly follow the above requirements, your future will be bright.”

Jiang Miaomiao finished all the explanations and wiped her sweat.

Lu Qiming smiled, “I will always remember these words.”

“Really?” She deliberately rubbed her shoulders. “My shoulders get sore from doing laundry every day. Will you do the laundry from now on?”

He shook his head, “No.”

“But you just said…”

“I asked ‘How can I stay with it forever’, and the ‘it’ refers to it.”

He pointed to the side, and Jiang Miaomiao turned her head to look. Jiang RouRou was hugging the leg of a chair, pretending to ride a horse.


Lu Qiming had a smug smile on his face.

“You don’t think it’s about you, do you? Too self-centered, tsk tsk.”

Jiang Miaomiao threw the cards into the drawer and pounced on him to pinch him.

Lu Qiming hurriedly said, “The cake base has cooled, let’s spread the jam.”

She had no choice but to let go and followed him to take out the cooled cake base.

There were several flavors of jam available—strawberry, blueberry, apple, and pineapple—and each had a different color.

Lu Qiming started spreading them from the bottom, making circles upward.

The circles became smaller and smaller, with a small pink strawberry jam in the center, the size of a ping-pong ball.

The whole cake looked crystal clear and beautiful. It was even more stunning than the ones Jiang Miaomiao used to buy for hundreds of yuan.

He casually asked, “How old are you this year?”

She didn’t react at first and instinctively answered, “21.”

Lu Qiming scooped up some melted white chocolate and wrote a 21 on the cake.

Jiang Miaomiao: “…What are you doing?”

He mocked, “Do you think I can’t see through your little tricks? Stop pretending, happy 21st birthday.”

She was stunned and forgot to respond.

Lu Qiming handed her a fruit knife and whispered, “Although you’re 21 and still act like a little fool, I really hope you stay this silly forever. On your 22nd, 23rd, and every birthday after, I want to celebrate with you.”

Jiang Miaomiao was overjoyed, but she refused to accept being called a “fool.”

“I’m not a fool. If I were, could I have made it this far?”

Lu Qiming also laughed, “Yeah, where did you get such good luck? Is it true that fools are blessed?”

As she was about to reply, a sudden noise came from downstairs, startling both of them.

“What was that? Did Laobai knock something over?”

Lu Qiming listened intently and said, “I’ll go check it out.”

“Let’s go together.”

Jiang Miaomiao didn’t care about the cake anymore and left it on the table as she grabbed a small electric saw and followed him downstairs.

The noise continued, happening every few seconds. As they got closer, they realized it wasn’t coming from the supermarket but from the fire escape.

This couldn’t be possible. They had blocked the fire escape with chairs for months, and it had never made a sound during that time.

They stopped behind the last chair, trying to listen carefully.

However, at that very moment, the sound disappeared.

The hallway was dark and quiet, as if nothing had happened.

Jiang Miaomiao scratched her ear. “Could it be that we misheard?”

Lu Qiming didn’t say a word and stared ahead seriously.

But their vision was completely blocked by the chairs, and they couldn’t see what was on the other side.

Should they move the chairs and take a look? Leaving aside the effort and time it would take to do that, what if they uncovered the other side and found zombies waiting for them? Wouldn’t that be walking into a trap?

He was still weighing the pros and cons when suddenly, the elderly couple in the supermarket started shouting loudly. The piercing sound made Jiang Miaomiao’s heart tighten, and she subconsciously grabbed his hand.

“Let’s go and see.”

Lu Qiming walked ahead, allowing her to hold onto his clothes.

Step by step, they approached the birdhouse, but the bird’s chirping had stopped.

Thump, thump, thump…

In the darkness, Jiang Miaomiao could practically hear her own heartbeat. Her hand holding the electric saw was sweating profusely, and she couldn’t even catch her breath.

Lu Qiming pressed his ear against the door and listened for a while, confirming that there were no other sounds before opening the door.

A cool breeze rushed in, and the window glass was broken, with shattered pieces all over the floor.

Jiang Miaomiao’s scalp tingled as she whispered, “Did something come in? Where’s Laobai? Laobai…”

She called out a few times, but there was no response. So, summoning her courage, she approached the bird’s nest.

The nest was about one square meter, their love nest for a family of six. It was filled with white cotton, clean and warm.

However, by the dim moonlight, she clearly saw several differently-sized black dots on the cotton, resembling drops of blood.

Apart from that, there was nothing else.

Where did all the crows go?

There was a faint smell of rotting in the air, and Lu Qiming said cautiously, “Let’s go back…”

Before he could finish his sentence, a figure crawled in from outside the window at an incredibly fast speed, almost blinking into the room.

In the darkness, its eyes gleamed with a bloodthirsty light.

Lu Qiming heard the movement and turned around, but he was a step too slow. The other party bit his right shoulder with incredible force.

The bite was severe, and the sharp teeth deeply penetrated his joint, rendering his entire arm immobile. He could only use his left hand to reach for his gun.

As his fingers touched the gun, he heard the sound of the electric saw.

Jiang Miaomiao held the small electric saw high and landed it on the zombie’s neck.

Blood and flesh splattered, and the zombie’s head and body were split in half. Its head still clung to Lu Qiming’s shoulder, while its body fell to the ground, mindlessly clawing and crawling.

She didn’t stop there and continued sawing its waist until it completely lost its ability to attack before giving up.

Two more zombies climbed in from outside the window, and Lu Qiming had already taken out his gun, shooting one zombie after another with one hand, efficiently resolving the situation.

The sticky and foul-smelling blood and flesh splattered all over the floor and walls, and there was still noise outside the window.

Jiang Miaomiao was close enough to take a look outside.

The light was very dim, and her vision was blurred. But just with one glance, she saw at least dozens of zombies clinging to the wall and climbing rapidly.

It had happened—the thing she feared most had happened.

The once mindless zombies had learned to attack together.

Lu Qiming endured the pain, took off the zombie head from his shoulder, threw it on the ground, and stomped on it a few times.

“I’ll go find something to seal the windows.”


Jiang Miaomiao firmly stopped him. “Don’t bother; let’s go back to the hotel.”

The supermarket’s glass was just ordinary tempered glass, which couldn’t hold up for long. Every second they stayed here, the danger increased.

Lu Qiming was slightly puzzled, but he decided to listen to her and went back to the hotel first.

The two of them left the room, locked the door from the outside, and pushed the shelves to block it. They hurriedly ran back to the hotel.

Once they locked the hotel room door, Jiang Miaomiao finally relaxed. The room was equipped with bulletproof glass, and she checked his injury.

The bite wasn’t too severe, just two rows of teeth marks, which didn’t compare to the injuries he had previously sustained. But it was deep and in a tricky location, so it would probably take at least half a month for his hand to fully recover.

She felt distressed and scolded him, “Why didn’t you dodge? You could have avoided it.”

Given his agility, if he just bent down, he wouldn’t have been bitten.

Lu Qiming said, “I couldn’t dodge.”

“Why not?”

“If I had dodged, it would have bitten you instead, right?”

Jiang Miaomiao didn’t say anything. She turned away, as if going to get medicine, but actually wiped her tears in secret.

She came back with gauze and anti-inflammatory medicine and started treating his wound while chattering, “Fortunately, you won’t get infected; otherwise, we would be in big trouble. Lu Qiming, you just said you would accompany me on every birthday; don’t break your promise.”

He was sweating from the pain but smiled to reassure her. “I definitely won’t break it, or I’ll be scolded to death by you.”

“Don’t just say it nicely.”

While scolding him, Jiang Miaomiao carefully bandaged his wound.

Due to the wound’s special location, it was inconvenient to wear clothes, so Lu Qiming simply took off his T-shirt, revealing his bare upper body.

She wound the bandage from his shoulder to under his armpit, going back and forth several times. When she cut the end, she asked worriedly, “You really won’t get infected, right?”

Even if he had antibodies in his body, what if they suddenly failed? After all, even hepatitis B vaccines have expiration dates.

If he got infected, then she…

Jiang Miaomiao didn’t dare to think further and looked at him, hoping for a definite answer.

Lu Qiming nodded. “I won’t.”

Relieved, she hugged his waist, feeling weak and tearful.

He gently patted her back. “It’s sad; the bird we just raised was eaten before it had a chance to eat.”

Thinking of this, Jiang Miaomiao felt even sadder.

The commotion below didn’t stop, and Jiang RouRou stood by the door, anxiously pacing around.

They wanted to check the situation outside, but it was challenging to do so.

The outside was pitch black, and they couldn’t see anything on the street.

They couldn’t open the window and stick their heads out; otherwise, they might get attacked by the zombies on the wall.

The door was sturdy, but it was also the last line of defense. Once opened, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Rather than saying they were hiding inside, it was more like they were trapped.

Jiang Miaomiao could only judge the situation downstairs based on the sounds.

The glass had been shattered in many places, and the zombies probably had come out of the birdhouse. They were now sniffing their scent and climbing up floor by floor.

How long will it take to find a way out of here?

The suite has some spare supplies, which should last for about half a month. But what happens after that, even if they can’t break through the door?

The night was already deep, and she couldn’t sleep at all, keeping a close watch on the door.

Seeing her pale face, Lu Qiming handed her a piece of chocolate.

“Have some, don’t worry too much.”

She took it and stuffed it into her mouth, reaching out for another piece.

He was surprised. “Are you really hungry?”

“I’m not starving, but I just want to eat more.”

Who knows if they will have another chance to eat tomorrow?

Lu Qiming gave her all the chocolates in his hand and then looked at the door. Suddenly, he asked, “Do you trust me?”

Jiang Miaomiao turned her head, “Trust what?”

“If I go out now, deal with the zombies, and come back safely.”

She looked at him speechlessly.

“Dream on and go to sleep; don’t joke around with me.”

“I’m serious,” Lu Qiming said, “I don’t know why the zombies suddenly decided to attack together, but at this rate, if we don’t resolve them quickly, we’ll have even fewer chances in the future.”

Jiang Miaomiao knew he made sense, but she couldn’t support his proposal.

“What can you use to deal with them? Even when you’re in good health, you might not be able to beat them, let alone with one hand disabled.”

Lu Qiming smiled, “It’s not disabled; I can still light a cigarette.”

“… Whatever,” she rolled her eyes at him and continued staring at the door as if her gaze could create a protective shield.

Lu Qiming pursed his lips and said, “My plan is to go upstairs while they’re not up yet. You hide in the house where we found the gun last time, stand by the window, and I’ll try to lure the zombies to the rooftop.”

“There’s a generator and power supply system on the rooftop. I’ll ignite them and then jump down. Before that, I’ll tie a rope around my waist. When I throw the rope down, you need to grab it tightly. Whether I can survive or not depends on this step.”

Some zombies will be killed by the explosion, some will be killed from the fall, and the rest will be easy to handle.

This is the only plan they can currently carry out.

“What if the situation becomes urgent, and I throw the rope in the wrong direction, not reaching you? What if they catch up to you before you can ignite the generator? What if I grab the rope tightly, but it breaks?” she asked worriedly.

He sighed, “Miaomiao, life is always full of dangers. What we need to do is minimize the probability, not avoid doing things because they’re dangerous.”

Every time they went on a mission before, it was like walking through the gates of hell.

In the beginning, he was afraid, especially when bullets flew past him; he always felt the next one would hit him.

But gradually, he learned to set aside life and death, focusing on the task at hand, and he ended up living longer than others.

This time, he believed he could succeed as well.

Jiang Miaomiao lowered her head, her voice trembling.

“I know, but I don’t want to. Didn’t you give me a birthday today? We haven’t even eaten the cake yet. Don’t go out, please don’t go out… I beg you…”

Lu Qiming’s eyes shimmered with tears as he spoke softly.

“That’s why I want you to believe me. I won’t die, and you won’t die either. We’ll be okay.”

“I don’t want to… I don’t want to!”

She tightly hugged his waist, as if he would run away if she let go.

Lu Qiming extended his left hand to bring the cake closer and handed her the knife.

“Come on, cut the cake, finish celebrating your birthday.”

“I don’t want to cut it!”

“Miaomiao, be good.”


She wanted to burst into tears, but afraid of attracting zombies, she could only bury her face in his clothes as much as possible.

Her sobbing sound intermittently echoed in the room.

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